Your community service references must be from persons within the organization(s) for which you have performed service or persons within a coordinating service organization/group/club (AVID Program Coordinator, National Honor Society Advisor, School Outreach/Community Service Coordinator, etc.). Your community service reference cannot be from the same person providing the personal reference.
They must complete our Community Service Verification Form ( and provide you with the PDF output file OR write a separate letter (.pdf, .doc or .docx file format).
Please upload the completed service verification forms or letters (.pdf, .doc or .docx file extension) below.
The community service reference(s) must include:
- Position within the organization for which service was performed or position within a coordinating organization (examples of coordinating organization: school AVID Program Coordinator, National Honor Society Advisor, or Outreach/Community Service Coordinator)
- Contact information (e.g. phone number, e-mail)
- Number of service hours and the academic or calendar year(s) in which they were performed
- Capacity in which you performed your service(s)
- Impact you had on the organization(s)
Note: a minimum of 30 total hours must be verified. service is weighted heavily, and applicants are encouraged to verify all community service hours performed. More than one letter or verification form may be used if needed.
If your community service is performed through a church, the service must directly affect the community at large, and not the church itself.
Examples of service that benefit the community (acceptable):
- Serving the homeless through a church kitchen
Visiting nursing homes or prison as part of a youth ministry
Examples of service that benefit the church (unacceptable):
- Church choir
- Usher board
- Sunday school teacher