Recovery of Funds:
If you have any outstanding payments when you leave, please make sure to settle them promptly. You agree to pay any amounts owed to Agentia in full upon your departure, whether it is voluntary or otherwise. You will also be responsible for any collection-related fees, including collection fees, legal fees, and third-party recovery fees.
This Form is Not an Offer of Employment:
I understand that this form does not serve as an offer of employment or any other position with the company or its subsidiaries, whether as an employee, independent contractor, or otherwise. By completing this form, I acknowledge that I am simply applying and have not yet been formally invited to join Agentia.
Non-Compete Agreement:
If I am selected to join Agentia, I agree not to engage in activities with other estate agents or conduct "side-deals" without Agentia's knowledge and written consent. All transactions must be conducted with full transparency and involvement of Agentia.
Non-Disclosure Agreement:
I agree to the non-disclosure agreement and understand that I cannot share any information about Agentia’s operations with competing companies, vendors, or agents outside the company without explicit written permission from an Agentia executive. This agreement will remain in effect even after I leave the company.
Code of Conduct:
I agree to follow the code of conduct. As an Estate Agent, I understand that my actions are visible to the public and reflect on the company. I will adhere to the Property Redress Scheme’s code of conduct, as well as HMRC guidelines, and will avoid any statements or discussions that could be seen as racist, sexist, or prejudiced. I acknowledge that the company has the right to determine if my actions violate this code or Agentia policies, and I may face dismissal or legal action if found in violation.