volunteer questionnaire
You don't need animal experience.
You just need to love them!
اذا أردتم الترجمة العربية للمتطلبات المذكورة ادناه، الرجاء اعلامنا قبل توقيع النموذج أو وضع علامة صح عند أي عبارة
We are so glad that you are interested in volunteering for Nine Lives! Finding homes for abandoned pets is a worthy cause and it's wonderful to know that you are interested in helping.
Note: We don't have an animal shelter. Our pets stay in foster care. If you'd like contact with animals, you may want to apply to foster!
Please know that we can't accept help from most of the worthy volunteers who offer to volunteer. This is because we are a small organization of unpaid volunteers only, so coordinating volunteers is difficult.
If you have special talents, please try so send us links or examples of your work in one of the comment boxes.
Take a look at the questions to see if you might be a fit. Or, if you know someone else who is, please forward them a link to this form!