6. I understand to arrive with my hair in its natural state, shampooed and dry within 3 days of my reservation for all services and experiences requested.
7. If I am receiving any Elevated Curl Cut experiences, I will arrive with my natural curls dry with light-hold styling products, down, unaltered by hats, ponytails, clips, buns and other syles. Arriving with my curls otherwise will result being rescheduled, receiving a rebooking fee of 50% of services and experiences reserved.
8. I understand if I have product build-up, from the long or short term usage of raw oils and butters in my home care regiment, the damage cannot be completely amended within first 6 months of consistent maintenance reservations.
9. If I am receiving any chemical services, major or minor changes will be based off what the integrity of my hair allows. I will not request for my hair to be compromised to achieve a requested result.
10. I understand the investment of receiving any services and experiences, are based off the amount of hair-coloring product utilized; density, length and texture; and time require to achieve my desired result.
11. I understand to arrive without additional guests or children, for liability and quality of my experience.
12. All reservations are by appointment only.