We're excited to have you joining us in Washington, D.C. for the 2025 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour sponosored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and America's Electric Cooperatives.
If this Form is being submitted for a high school Youth Tour Delegate who has not reached the age of majority in his/her respective state, this form must be completed and signed by a parent or legal guardian of the minor high school Youth Tour Delegate.
- Youth Tour Delegates and their parents / guardians must read the health form and attest the information given is true and complete.
- Information cannot be saved and revisited later so please plan to complete the form together.
- Please contact YouthPrograms@NRECA.coop or your state's Youth Tour Director with any questions.
Privacy Notice: Your privacy is important to us. NRECA will only collect, use, distribute, or share the information collected in this 2024 NRECA Youth Tour Health Form (Form) for planning and initiating health protocols and providing appropriate medical care, as necessary for your health and safety as a Youth Tour participant. NRECA will not, and will not authorize any third party to, sell, lease, license, distribute, share, or otherwise use the information collected in this Form for any other purpose. NRECA and its affiliated co-ops and statewide associations may use the contact information collected during your youth tour participation to inform you about future opportunities sponsored by them. NRECA will not sell, distribute, use, or share your information collected in this form or any other with any third party; or use, share, sell, or distribute your information for any purpose other than to inform you about their sponsored opportunities. To update or delete your information post-event, please email YouthPrograms@NRECA.coop. Please be as honest and thorough as possible.