1. Theft of supplies from the school, or clinical site whether it be from the school, a resident or another student. Theft of any kind will NOT be tolerated. or possessions from clinical sites, patients/residents, the school, other students or employees of the school or clinical agencies.
2. Destruction of school property, clinical property, resident property or another student’s property.
3. Engaging in disruptive behavior, including foul language, horse play or creating a
disturbance in class, campus or clinical sites.
4. Falsifying any documents related to enrollment, educational documents or resident records.
5. Non-adherence to school uniform requirements while in lab or clinical. This includes proper scrub colors, uniform free of wrinkles, free of offensive odors, artificial nails, etc.
6. Engaging in unsafe care related to patient safety or the safety of other students will not be tolerated.
7. Posting inappropriate content, graphics and verbiage to social media while in the program that undermines the rights/ beliefs of patients or that is considered undesirable/ inappropriate in general.
8. Engaging in patient abuse or neglect.
9. The use, sale, or possession of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on campus or at clinical.
10. Student refusal or failure to follow direct instructions from program instructors, clinical instructors or nurses at the clinical will not be tolerated.
11. Possession of weapons such as guns, knives, explosives or other weapons on campus or at clinical sites.
12. Students are not allowed to use electronic devices while on the clinical floor, lab or in the classroom.
13. Plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
14. Students engaging in HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations.
15. Students engaging in harassment be it sexual, racial or cultural will not be tolerated on campus or at clinical.
16. Failure to engage in a probationary plan of improvement.