This is our preferred method of reporting absences due to mandatory attendance audits conducted annaully. All absences must be documented by our staff and explained to the Department of Education and/or your scholarship funding organization. It is your responsibility to let us know why your student(s) was absent (in detail), noting that your child may be in jeopardy of losing their spot due to Department of Education rules, Florida statue and truancy laws. Please note that not all absences will be excused.
Updated 9/10/2024 Effective 9/16/2024
ATTENDANCE POLICY Our holistic learning environment suffers when students come in late or do not come to class consistently. We strongly discourage parents from enabling their children to miss classes for arbitrary reasons. When a student misses’ class, he or she misses a planned progression of subject information as well as the conceptual process of learning new material. We feel strongly that each student contributes to the holistic learning experience of the entire class, and their absence impedes this process. Daily attendance is essential to assure a quality holistic learning environment.
Students who are absent from school will be marked in one of two categories:Excused or Unexcused. See below for examples of an excused absence:
Excused Absences: Absences are excused for the following reasons: student illness, death in the family, medical or dental appointments, or any other reason excused by the Executive Director or Associate Director. Examples of illnesses may include but are not limited to:
1. Contagious diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, pink eye, influenza, and all flus.
2. Skin rashes–especially if the cause is unknown or if accompanied by fever or drainage. (We may require medical provider note to verify that the student is not contagious)
3. Head lice infestation.
4. Fever–students with an oral temperature of 100.4 or greater should be kept home until they have been fever-free without medication for 24 hours.
5. Vomiting–students who vomit must stay home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting.
6. Not feeling well due to recent vaccination/immunization-Of special note: we prefer that you vaccinate your child on a Friday since most students may not feel well after receiving a vaccination/immunization. If you are unable to schedule an appointment on a Friday, please provide us the note from your doctor stating that your child has received a vaccination/immunization, and we will excuse the absence that day and up to 2 days afterwards, as needed.
Missing Academic Instruction Not Related to Illness. Examples Include:
1. There is a major illness in the student's immediate family.
2. There is a death in the immediate family.
3. The student attends religious instruction or there is a religious holiday in the student’s own faith (noting we are closed for most Christian religious holidays).
4. Student is required by summons, subpoena, or court order to appear in court (must supply subpoena).
5. Special event: important public functions, conferences, state/national competitions, cases of family need approved by administration.
6. The student has a scheduled medical, dental, or therapy appointment (if this is weekly or habitual, a medical exemption is preferred and will be provided to the parent/guardian, or a note must be provided for each and every visit).
7. A college visitation.
You have two options to report absences:
Option One: Call before 8:29am the day of the absence and leave a detailed voice message explaining the reason for the absence (subject to administration approval). A voicemail message from a parent/guardian is acceptable for up to 5 days per instructional year. OR
Option Two (preferred) Complete our Absence Reporting Form preferably the same day the child will be absent before 8:29am (we will be accept your excuse via our Absence Reporting Form within 2 instructional days of absence) using the following link: or via the Parent Portal on our website. ***end options
Any student missing 5 days or more in a quarter (excused or unexcused) will be put on an Attendance Action Plan. If absences are medical in nature, a medical exemption form will be provided with the Attendance Action Plan and can be signed by the child’s medical provider if it is determined that classes will continue to be missed for medical reasons.
Additionally, if the administration believes that there is a pattern of absences, a parent teacher conference may be called at any time to address these concerns. If there are over 9 days missed in a semester, either a medical exemption form must be completed by a medical practitioner, or a conference will be called to develop a Detailed Action Plan for habitual absences (this will be done if a medical exemption cannot be obtained or if absences are not medical in nature). If there is a family trip that a parent would like to request a one-time excused absence for, this must be done sixty (60) days prior to when the trip is scheduled via the Student Inquiry Form on the Parent Portal.
The parent/guardian is required to call us (as shown in option one) before 8:29am the day of the absences or complete our Absence Reporting submit a medical provider or a note from a parent is acceptable for up to 9 days per semester (noting that all students missing 5 days or more per quarter will receive an Attendance Action Plan regardless of whether the absence was excused or not). Additionally, it is at the discretion of the administration to excuse the absence (see the Excused Absences section of this policy for more information).
All notes must contain a reason for the absence. If the administration believes that there is a pattern of absences, a parent teacher conference may be called to address these concerns. If there are over 9 days missed in semester, either a medical exemption must be completed by a medical practitioner, or a conference will be called that can be attended in person, via Zoom or phone call (if the parent/guardian refuses or is unable to attend, a conference, we will proceed without his/her input) to develop a Detailed Attendance Action Plan for habitual absences.
Family Trips/Extended Vacations during our regularly scheduled instructional days (see our instructional calendar on the parent portal) are strongly discouraged. If there is a family trip/extended vacation that a parent would like to request a one-time excused absence for, this must be done sixty (60) days prior to when the family trip/extended vacation is scheduled. Any other pre-arranged absences must be pre-approved by the Administration sixty (60) days prior to student missing instruction unless it falls under the Excused Absences section of this policy.
Repeating Grade Due to Excessive Days Missed: A student who is absent more than 25 days during the instructional year may be required to repeat the entire school year at the same grade level. The administration reserves the right to waive this requirement. Students absent 20-24 days during the instructional year may be required to attend our summer program (at a cost to the parent) in order acquire the necessary hours for grade promotion or for awarding of academic credit on their high school transcript or report card. The administration reserves the right to waive this requirement.
Parents are strongly urged to consider this subsection of our attendance policy when planning non urgent medical appointments during the instructional day and extended vacations (see our Excused Absences section of the attendance policy for more information).
NOTE: There is an exception to our Attendance Policy, through our Medical Exemption (see below) noting that we may exercise the right to contact your child’s medical provider to ensure that excessive absences or tardies are medically/therapeutically necessary.
MEDICAL EXEMPTION FOR CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM In compliance with Florida State Statute, Ocala Preparatory Academy may require a medical exemption for a chronically absent student in the event of a qualified medical condition, meaning a severe, chronic, physical, or mental illness, infection, injury, disease, or emotional trauma that meets the following criteria: The condition affects the student so severely as to incapacitate the student and causes the student to miss school more than the average student or for any reason as determined by administration to meet the criteria for the medical exemption. This form can be completed at any time. When the administration has identified that a student may qualify for a medical exemption, our medical exemption form will be provided to the parent/guardian to give to their medical provider. The medical provider (medical doctor, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant or therapist, and possibly other medical/healthcare providers within the State of FL-ask if you have questions) will document the condition and verify in writing with their signature and medical information. A copy of the documentation verifying the student's condition and the medical provider overseeing his/her care shall be filed in the student's educational record.
Examples of medically exempt conditions include the following: student has a serious chronic medical condition (a condition lasting three months or more) and is absent for the purpose of receiving condition-related treatment (medical or therapeutic intervention). Examples include (but not limited to): autism, PTSD, anxiety, compromised immune system or frequently getting sick, epilepsy, severe anaphylactic response, and other chronic or related conditions, or the death or life-threatening injury of an immediate family member of the student (student's parent/guardian, sibling, or child).
A completed and signed medical exemption must be provided as soon as possible after the onset of the condition, illness, or injury (it is at our discretion when a determination is made regarding whether the absence will be excused until we receive a signed medical exemption). In order not to have any days not counted as absences, students will be required to complete all assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, etc. assigned by the teacher and turn in any work within 2 school days of missing work (at our discretion this can be extended). Work must be caught up while out or upon return to ensure compliance with the Department of Education. It is at our discretion to give medically exempt students credit for missed work if it is not completed within 2 school days. Additionally, if a medical provider requires a medical exemption to be completed by a specialist, we reserve the right to wait to get the medical exemption from the specialist.
We will review each case and come up with an action plan based upon a student's medical or therapeutic interventions required and/or compromised immune system. Finally, a “once in always in” medical exemption will remain in effect unless the medical provider writes a letter stating that the child no longer has the medical condition that would cause him/her to miss more instructional days than the average student OR the parent/guardian unenrolls the child from Ocala Preparatory Academy for one semester or more in an instructional year.
Due to State of Florida legislative requirements to accept choice scholarships, we reserve the right to expel based on our absence policy and FL Compulsory School Law (as shown on top of our attendance policy, which requires us to report truancy). However, please note that if we have doctor's notes for lost time due to sickness, this is generally not a reason to expel. Each situation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Tardy Policy Students are to check in at the office when they arrive after 8:45am. As stated above, students are considered tardy at 8:45am (on our clock located in our front lobby). Parents must sign students in at or after 8:45am. Tardies will be excused for medical and/or therapeutic appointments with an accompanying note from the clinic. Calling the office because you are running late is excused four times in the instructional year. Students arriving late will need to “make up” work that he/she misses (see Make Up Policy). If repeated tardiness occurs, the parent or guardian will be contacted to work on a plan to ensure that the student arrives to class on time.
PLEASE NOTE: Students dropped off for instruction after 11:30am (on a full instructional day, not an early release day) will be marked absent and not get credit for the instructional day unless the child has a medical exemption and was at a medical appointment (students that have a medical exemption are required to have a note from their medical or therapeutic clinic for late arrivals after 11:30am).
The required 180 days are calculated at 15-minute intervals, based on 6 hours per day.
Make-Up Policy: Students who have been absent (excused, unexcused, or students with a medical exemption) are expected to make up tests, quizzes, assignments, or other assigned work. Missed assignments will be sent home to be completed with a parent or guardian. Students who neglect or refuse to do their makeup work can expect to get a “zero”. Students are required to make up for missed work within 2 instructional days of returning to class (in extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis). Our teachers are not required to give students full credit for missed work/instruction if work is not completed within 2 instructional days for excused absences OR partial credit for unexcused absences (our students are now required to make up all work whether the absence is excused or unexcused). The administration will make the final decision if there is a question regarding credit received or lack of credit received for missed work.
Health Leave Policy: Ocala Preparatory Academy has developed a Health Leave Policy to support and facilitate families obtaining care for a parent/guardian or their child(ren) while aiming to minimize long-term consequences to their child’s (our student’s) academic standing. A Health Leave Form should be completed if:
1. A student is absent 9 days (cumulatively not by quarter or semester) due to a parent/guardian’s health-related issue; a Health Leave Form will be provided to the parent/guardian for their treating medical provider to sign (and provide their medical credentials) and return to us within 30 days (includes instructional days, weekends, breaks, holidays, etc.). It is strongly encouraged that a family member or friend brings the child to school whenever possible so that he/she does not miss valuable instruction time. A “once in always in” Health Leave Form will remain in effect unless the medical provider writes a letter stating that the parent/guardian no longer has the medical condition that would cause him/her to be unable to bring their child to class due to medical issues OR the parent/guardian unenrolls the child from Ocala Preparatory Academy.
2. Once a student misses more than 10 consecutive instructional days, a Health Leave Form must be filled out and signed by a healthcare professional/medical provider before the 15th instructional day is missed to determine the child’s health status. On the 15th instructional day missed (or by no later than the 17th day missed), a determination will be made about the likelihood of the student being able to return to school with work completed for the instructional year. Return from a health leave is contingent on agreement of the school and recommendation of healthcare professional/medical provider. The school will also determine what portion of the missed instructional work has to be made up, and the student’s status upon his/her return.
Extended Parent/Guardian Absence: Parents/Guardians on an extended absence from the home must update emergency contact information through the Student Inquiry Form (found on our Parent Portal or at this link directly: within 3 instructional days. This information will include the length of absence and the name and contact number(s) of those responsible for the student’s care during a parent/guardian’s absence.
Q: How can I make up work when my child is absent? A: Students are required to make up for missed work within 2 instructional days of returning to class (see Make Up Policy section for more information).
Q. What if my student will be absent for semester exams? A: Semester exams may be given early at the teacher’s discretion. It is not guaranteed. Semester exams are not given late unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by administration.
Q: What is an unexcused absence? A: Anything that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence (see our Excused Absences section regarding what we consider an excused absence) is considered unexcused. Examples include unapproved family trips, oversleeping, student does not want to come to class, family is in town, or anything else not on our list.
Q: May a student leave early? A: Students are expected to be in classes for the full instructional day. If a student misses more than a 1/2 day of instruction (leaves before 11:30am), the child will be marked absent for the entire day, unless the absence is excused. Excused reasons for early dismissal follow the same guidelines as excused absences. If a student habitually leaves early, this could be a reason for academic probation.
Q: Can a student be expelled for excessive absences or tardies or not be offered a spot for the upcoming instructional year? A. Yes, students that are excessively absent or tardy can be expelled and/or not offered a spot in the upcoming instructional year.
Q: Why are you open if Marion County Public Schools close due to inclement (bad) weather? A. Marion County Public Schools utilizes many schools for shelters. Since we do not use our building for shelter, we may open at times when Marion County Public Schools does not. If it is safe to travel to us, we prefer your child to be in attendance (even if Marion County Public Schools is closed due to inclement weather) but will excuse your absence as a courtesy if you feel it is necessary to keep your child home.
Q. Why don't you follow Marion County Public Schools instructional calendar? A. We are not required to follow Marion County's instructional calendar, so our calendar is made to best serve the needs of our students & staff. ensure you have an updated copy of our instructional calendar close by or you can find the most up to date copy on our Parent Portal or at this link: You, as a parent/guardian, are required to keep a copy of our updated calendar and ensure that your child is present for the minimum number of required instructional days.
Q: Why are your policies so strict? A. We are required by Florida statute to adhere to strict policies to ensure students receive the minimum instructional hours required.
Attendance Policy Above Updated 9/10/2024 Effective 9/16/2024. Attendance Policy below will be in effect through 9/13/2024.
ATTENDANCE POLICY The classroom is the core of the school learning experience. We strongly discourage parents from enabling their children to miss classes for arbitrary reasons. When a student misses’ class, he or she misses a planned progression of subject information as well as the conceptual process of learning new material. We feel strongly that each student contributes to the learning experience of the entire class, and their absence impedes this process. Daily attendance is absolutely essential to assure a quality learning environment.
As per the Florida Department of Education, students are only permitted to miss a maximum of 9 school days per semester. Students absent more than 9 days in a semester are subject to losing credit for the semester. More than 18 absences in one school year may cause the student to repeat the entire grade. The decision to issue credit to students with excessive absences is entirely at the discretion of the administration.
Students who are absent from school will be marked in one of three categories:
• School-Related Absence (SRA): A school-related absence which is pre-arranged and approved ahead of time is considered excused and does not count toward the nine permitted absences per semester.
• Unexcused Absence (UA): An absence not confirmed by a parent by 9:00 am. Teachers may enter a permanent grade of 0% for any work collected and/or completed in class that day. Please note, these absences do count toward the permitted 9 absences each semester.
• Doctor-Verified Absence (DVA): For an absence due to illness or appointment that is documented by a doctor’s note. Such absences, if verified within 48 hours of the students return to school, do not count toward the permitted 9 absences each semester. Please note that no more than ten absences per semester will be excused by Doctor Verification.
Students who have unexcused absences will not be able to make-up missed assignments and quizzes.
On the student’s ninth unexcused absence, their grade will be deducted according to the following policies:
One point will be deducted off the final semester average. An additional point will then be deducted with each additional absence. The eight allowed absences include only unexcused absences.
Absences are excused for the following reasons: student illness, death in the family, medical or dental appointments, or any other reason excused by the Executive Director or Associate Director BEFORE the absence occurs.
Examples of illnesses may include but are not limited to:
1. Contagious diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, pink eye, influenza, and all flus.
2. Skin rashes–especially if the cause is unknown or if accompanied by fever or drainage. (We may require medical provider note to verify that the student is not contagious)
3. Head lice infestation.
4. Fever–students with an oral temperature of 100.4 or greater should be kept home until they have been fever-free without medication for 24 hours.
5. Vomiting–students who vomit must stay home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting.
6. Not feeling well due to recent vaccination-we prefer you keep your child home after vaccination since most students do not feel well. Just provide us the note from your doctor stating that your child has received a vaccination, and we will excuse the absence.
Missing Academic Instruction Not Related to Illness. Examples Include:
1. There is a major illness in the student's immediate family.
2. There is a death in the immediate family.
3. The student attends religious instruction or there is a religious holiday in the student’s own faith (noting we are closed for most Christian religious holidays).
4. Student is required by summons, subpoena, or court order to appear in court (must supply subpoena).
5. Special event: important public functions, conferences, state/national competitions, cases of family need approved by administration.
6. The student has a scheduled medical, dental, or therapy appointment.
7. A college visitation.
Students will not be allowed to make up an assignment unless an absence is excused.
A note is required for admission to school after any absence. You can also fill out our Absence Reporting Form using the following link: or via our forms page on our website to submit a note to be excused. All notes must contain a reason for the absence.
Pre-arranged absences must be pre-approved by the Administration unless it is school business.
Make-up work- It is the student’s responsibility to collect these assignments, and students need to schedule a time (outside of class) with the teacher to make-up tests, quizzes, etc. Students will not be allowed to make-up work during class time. Teachers are instructed to issue zeros for all unexcused absences.
Extended Absences- Students who miss three consecutive days must bring in a doctor’s note for an excused absence. Extended vacations during academic times are strongly discouraged. Any absences from family vacations (including excused/pre-arranged absences) will be subject to our absences policies regarding grade deductions.
Excessive Absenteeism- Because of the critical importance of classroom attendance in terms of promoting academic success, the school expects that students will meet all commitments pertaining to their academic journey at OPA.
The school considers ten (10) or more absences per semester per class to be excessive. Excessive absences (not counting school-related) from a class during the course of a semester may result in an automatic grade reduction of ten points, or one grade level (i.e., A to B, B- to C-). The grade will be further reduced as follows for each additional five (5) unexcused absences in a given class per semester: B+ to B, B to B-. An appeal may be made to the Admin Staff for extenuating circumstances, such as a prolonged documented illness. Medical documentation verifying an illness should be received no later than 48 hours after the student returns to school healthy.
A student who is absent more than 25 days during the school year may be required to repeat the entire school year at the same grade level.
Students absent 20-24 days during the school year may be required to attend summer school or perform additional hours of in school attendance in order acquire the necessary hours for grade promotion or for awarding of academic credit on the high school transcript. (The Administration may waive this requirement only if the student has received approval.)
Parents are strongly urged to consider this policy when planning medical appointments, and extended vacations.
NOTE: There is an exception to our absence policy, through our Medical Exemption (see below) noting that we will still be in contact with your medical provider to ensure that excessive absences or tardies are medically necessary:
MEDICAL EXEMPTION FOR CHRONIC ABSENTEEISM Ocala Preparatory Academy will require a medical exemption for a chronically absent student in the event of a qualified medical condition, meaning a severe, chronic, physical, or mental illness, infection, injury, disease, or emotional trauma that meets the following criteria:
-The condition affects the student so severely as to incapacitate the student and causes the student to miss school for more than 9 days in a 90-day period, or for which the student must receive regular medical care or therapeutic intervention, requiring absence from school.
When administration staff has identified that a student may qualify for a medical exemption, our medical exemption form will be provided to document the condition, verified in writing by a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant or therapist licensed in the state of Florida. A copy of the documentation verifying the student's condition shall be filed in the student's educational record. This medical exemption form must be updated each instructional year. Examples of medically exempt conditions include:
-The student has a serious chronic medical condition (a condition lasting three months or more) and is absent for the purpose of receiving condition-related treatment (medical or therapeutic intervention). Examples include (but not limited to): autism, PTSD, anxiety, compromised immune system or frequently getting sick, epilepsy, severe anaphylactic response, and other chronic or related conditions.
-The death or life-threatening injury of an immediate family member of the student (student's parent/guardian, sibling, or child).
This documentation must be provided at the beginning of the instructional year, or as soon as possible after the onset of the condition, illness, or injury. In order not to have any days not counted as absences, students will be required to complete all assignments, projects, tests, quizzes, etc. assigned by the teacher and turn in any work by the assigned due date. If the student fails to complete any of the above, they will be marked as absent for those instructional days. Work must be caught up while out or upon return to ensure compliance with the Department of Education. It is at our discretion to exempt students from completing missed work. This will be done on a case-by-case basis and is not done regularly.
Of special note, if a medical provider refuses to sign a medical exemption, we must have notes for every absence if this exception is made via an action plan. Additionally, if a medical provider refers a medical exemption to a specialist, we reserve the right to wait to get the medical exemption from a specialist. We will review each case and come up with an action plan based upon a student's medical or therapeutic interventions required and/or compromised immune system.
Due to legislative requirements to accept choice scholarships, we reserve the right to expel based on our absence policy and FL Compulsory School Law (as shown on top of our attendance policy, which requires us to report truancy). However, please note that if we have doctor's notes for lost time due to sickness, this is generally not a reason to expel. Each situation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Tardy Policy Students are to check in at the office when they arrive after 8:45am. As stated above, students are considered tardy after 8:45am (on our clock located in our front lobby). Parents must sign students in after 8:45am. Tardies will be excused for medical appointments and/or appointments. Calling the office because you are running late is excused four
times in the instructional year. Students arriving late may need to make up work and time missed at recess. If repeated tardiness occurs (after three tardies) parents will be contacted to work on a plan to ensure that the student arrives to class
on time. After five tardies, the student will go on attendance probation.
Special note: students must attend school a minimum of 4 hours on a school day to receive credit for the instructional day.
Excessive Tardiness: Parents may only excuse their student for four tardies per quarter to homeroom. Each subsequent tardy will be considered unexcused, even if the parent walks the child into the office. A doctor’s note is needed to be considered an excused tardy after 4 in the quarter.
The required 180 days are calculated at 15-minute intervals, based on 6 hours per day.
Make-Up Policy: Students who have been absent are expected to make up tests, quizzes, class, and homework within a reasonable amount of time in collaboration with their teachers and Administrative Staff. Students who neglect their makeup work can expect an academic penalty.
Health Leave Policy: Ocala Preparatory Academy has developed a Health Leave Policy to support and facilitate families obtaining care for their children while aiming to minimize long-term consequences to their child’s academic standing. If a student reaches a point where s/he has missed 20% of any or all classes because of a health-related issue, an end-of-quarter or semester review will be required to determine whether a health leave should be initiated. If the staff involved in the review anticipates that a health leave will extend beyond three weeks, a medical exemption form must be filled out and signed by healthcare professional and a determination will be made about the likelihood of the student’s being able to return to school with work completed for the academic year. Return from a health leave is contingent on agreement of the school and recommendation of the health care provider. The school will also determine what portion of the missed academic work has been made up, and the student’s status upon return.
Extended Parent Absence: Parents or guardians on an extended absence from the home will need to leave emergency contact information with Administrative Staff. This information will include the length of absence and the name and contact number(s) of those responsible for the student’s care during parent absence.
Q: How can I make up work when I have an excused absence (see above for clarification on what an excused absence is)? A: Students have 5 days to complete missed work. After 5 days, the work will be marked as incomplete.
Q. What if my student will be absent for semester exams? A: Semester exams may be given early at the teacher’s discretion. It is not guaranteed. Semester exams are not given late.
Q: What is an unexcused absence? A: Anything that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence (see listed reasons above) is considered unexcused. Examples include family trips, oversleeping, student does not want to come to class, family is in town, or anything else not on our list.
Q: May a student leave early? A: Students are expected to be in classes for the full day. If a student misses more than a 1/2 day of instruction (leaves before 11:30am), the child will be marked absent for the entire day, unless the absence is excused. Excused reasons for early dismissal follow the same guidelines as excused absences. If a student habitually
leaves early, this could be a reason for academic probation.
Q: Can a student be expelled for excessive absences or tardies or not be offered a spot for the upcoming instructional year? A. Yes, students that are excessively absent or tardy can be expelled and/or not offered a spot in the
upcoming instructional year. :
Q: Why are you open if Marion County closes due to the weather? A. Marion County utilizes many schools for shelters. Since we do not use our building for shelter, we may open at times when Marion County Public Schools does not. If it is safe to travel to us, we prefer your child to be in attendance (even if Marion County Public Schools is closed due to weather) but will excuse your absence as a courtesy if you feel it is necessary to keep your child home.
Q. Why don't you follow Marion County Public Schools instructional calendar? A. We are not required to follow Marion County's instructional calendar because it is not required for us to do so. You, as a parent are required to keep a copy of our updated calendar and ensure that your child is present for the minimum number of required days,
Q: Why are your policies so strict? A. We are required by law to adopt strict policies to ensure students receive the minimum instructional hours required.
Please note, completing this form does not guarantee your absence will be excused if it does not meet our requirements as stated above in our policy. Updated 10/19/2023 Effective 10/20/2023