24-25 LIMITED OPENING: 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th, 6th, 7th (one spot in each grade except middle school).
25-26 LIMITED OPENINGS: We have very limited openings in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade. We update this website every couple of weeks. This information is up to date as of February 5, 2025.
25-26 WAITLIST: Kindergarten spots are full as of 3-3-25.
SPECIAL NOTE: We do not accept new high school students-all high school students must enter our school as a K-8th grade student. Due to this, please do not request admission for a high school student.
Our instructional day will be 8:40am-2:40pm for the 25-26 instructional year.
Ocala Preparatory Academy (OPA) strives to accept all students that are a good fit for our holistic faith based school. We look all students (both prospective and current) holistically, not just as a number.
Due to this, we offer limited enrollment.
School Overview: At our faith based (Christian) holistic school, we recognize that not every student is a perfect fit for our environment. However, those students and their families that align with our values and holistic approach, our school becomes a sanctuary for both learning and spirtual development.
We often hear from parents that have explored other educational options, (private school, public school or home schooling), but found these options were not the best option for their child. After researching, these parents found our holistic Christian school to be the right fit for their child's education.
We believe that small class sizes provide the best learning environment and help students retain material taught. Our small classes, combined with our holistic approach allow all students to get the extra attention needed to achieve their collegiate and/or vocational goals. In addition, our dedicated staff make learning enjoyable!
If you want something more for your child, something different than other academic options (public, private, home education programs) that are offered regionally, you may have found academic placement for your child (pending an available spot)!
Students: Our school is an excellent choice for students that thrive in a holistic small class environment and active engagement. We cater to students that excel in smaller settings but do not offer 1:1 or accept students with behavior challenges. Holistic education benefits most students but may not be the right fit for all students.
Nutrition & Wellness: We incorporate nutrition and wellness in every aspect of school life. Due to this, parents of our students (& prospective students) must ensure the following (exerpt from our Healthy Habits Nutrition Policy and information is also provided regarding required registration documents):
Healthy foods for snack and lunch are packed and sent in to ensure that their child(ren) is prepared to learn. Healthy foods include leftovers from dinner (not fast food), sandwiches, chips, fruit, vegetables, and water is the only drink that our students can consume at school (unless there is a medical reason and we must have a note from a medical provider).
We are a nut free school, so please make sure that no nuts are sent in or foods that are processed in facilty that processes nuts to ensure that our students that have anaphylactic nut allergies are kept safe.
We do not allow sugary foods/drinks, only water (unless there is a medical reason and we must have a note from a medical provider). Additinally, do not send your child with candy, desserts, cookies, donuts, etc) fast food, and we prefer no food coloring in food or snacks.
We accept the Religious Vaccine Exemption and respect medical freedom. Ask our staff if you have any questions.
Eating nutritious foods, drinking water, getting fresh air and outside play time (all grades) allows our students to grow and flourish in both at home and at school.
Curriculum: Our curriculum includes engaging, hands on activities such as science experiments, project based learning and lively discussion are apart of our holistic approach to education. Some of our curriculum choices for the 25-26 instructional year are as follows: Eureka, Treasures, Open Court, Wonders, Collections, Abeka and possibly others (subject to change based on availability or other factors). Not all of our curriculum is Christian. We choose the curriculum that is best for our student body. Students in 9th-12th grade work on curriculum to satisfy the Florida Department of Education requirements (noting we do not accept new 9th-12th grade students transfering from other schools to ensure we can fufill all of Florida Department of Education graduation requirements)
Additional Supports Classroom: Our Additional Supports Classroom (ASC) serves students in 3rd-12th that may have learning disorders, intellectual disability, or require more academic (not behavioral) support than our inclusion classroom setting can provide. Students in our ASC are working at a kindergarten to 5th grade and are grouped students working at similar academic levels.
Faith Based/Christian Values: As a private religous a private school, we integrate Christian values through out curriculum and daily activities. Students will participate in prayer each morning and receive weekly or regular religious studies. We respect medical freedom and honor the religious vaccine exemption (do not hesitate to ask questions about the exemption).
Tuition & Fees: Tuition information is available below. It is important to note that a portion of the annual tuition can be covered by a Choice scholarship, but not all of the cost. Parents are required to contribute financially (parent portion) with payments made monthly (July-April) via credit or debit card. Discounts are available for annual parent portion payments made via check or cash (please inquire about restrictions).
Scholarships: We participate in the Florida Choice Scholarship program. Please visit the Step Up For Students (SUFS) website at https://www.stepupforstudents.org/ to learn more about available scholarships. Please note, we do not accept AAA Scholarships.
Before and After Care: We do not offer before or after care, however, Ong's Taekwondo does offer pick up and drop off services for a fee. Please call Ong's Taekwondo at (352) 804-4120.
Family Partnership (excerpt from policy): We believe that a positive constructive working relationship between our staff & a student’s parents/guardians and extended family members (including anyone who drops off/picks up or has any communication with our staff) is essential to the fulfillment of our mission. As a community, it is important that we all collectively engage in an affirming, encouraging atmosphere. The expression of negative feelings & even supposedly "constructive" criticism can do much to undermine any school’s atmosphere. Our board, the executive director and the associate director do not seek to suppress any parent concern or grievance, however, we do ask that such concern or grievance be handled in a healthy, constructive manner (preferably through our Student Inquiry Form). We reserve the right to not continue enrollment or not to re-enroll a student if it is reasonably concluded that the actions of a parent/guardian or extended family members (including anyone who drops off/picks up or has any communication with our staff) make such a positive and constructive relationship impossible or otherwise seriously interferes with our school and the accomplishment of its educational purposes.
Required Pre Admissions information: You are required to speak with our executive director and/or our lead teacher before submitting your admissions application. Please be prepared to to upload your child's academic and relevant medical records to this Student Admissions Interest Form. You also must disclose on the following information during the pre admissions process:
- IEP or 504.
- Expulsions or suspensions from any educational program.
- Any mental health issues/diagnoses.
- Current or past medical treatment (including counseling).
- Diagnosis of any condition.
- Any food or drug allergies.
- Any medical condition, including seizures.
- If your child is not potty trained.
Failure to disclose any of the above listed information to us may result in early termination of a trial period or rescinded admission. We pray over every prospective student and their family as we make admissions decisions. Being honest is important and does not always mean that we will not accept your child (if we have a spot available) but it does mean we need to be aware if any of the above listed pertains to your child so that we can determine if we can provide the appropriate supports.
Admissions Visit (for those potential students that proceed to the next step of our admissions process): After reviewing your admissions application, our staff will contact you (via phone or email) to schedule your child's admissions visit. Your child to come onsite for classroom obeservation and STAR Assessment testing. During the instructional year, classroom observation will be scheduled for 5 days, at minimum. During the month of June (if we have spots available) students must trial for 2 weeks (at minimum) in our half day summer program.
Please make sure your child has a healthy lunch, a bottle of water and healthy snacks for their trial with us (see the Nutrition and Wellness section for more information about our food & snacks allowed).
Electronic Devices: We do not allow personal electronic devices. We encourage group learning, collaberation and social interaction rather than screen time.
No Refunds: Please note that if your child moves forward in the admissions process, our application fee is non refundable. If you choose not to proceed with the trial period or your child does not complete the trial period, no refunds will be issued.