14th-16th FEBRUARY 2025
HOLDERS: Tom Billings & Richard Owen
Players wishing to enter the Championship should complete this form by noon on Sunday 2nd February. Players must submit 1 entry EACH.
If you do not have a partner, but would like to enter, please indicate below and we will endeavour to find you a partner… The earlier the organisers are informed the more likely a partner will be found.
Please be advised that a Plate Competition will take place if time allows.
Late Entrants
Late entrants may only be included in the draw prior to the first ball of the championship being struck at the discretion of the organiser. Late entrants may only take the place of players who have withdrawn.
Entry fee
£32 per player aged 28 and over.
£16 per player Under 28.
Pairs will only be entered into the draw once both players have paid their entry fee. If both players in a pair have not paid by noon, Sunday 2nd February, their pair will not be entered into the draw, regardless of an entry form having been received.
Playing times
Competitors must expect to be available at all times during the tournament. Whilst the organisers will give every consideration to meeting competitors’ wishes, they cannot guarantee to accommodate all individual requirements.
The Tournament will be played in accordance with the T&RA Laws of Rackets and the T&RA Rackets Tournament Rules and Procedures. All players must be full members of T&RA (excluding associates).
- Subject to the number of entries, the Amateur Doubles will likely comprise group matches, followed by a knock-out competition.
- Players who do not make it through the group stages will have the opportunity to be entered in a Plate doubles draw.
- Matches will be best of 3 games, with semis likely being best of 5 games and final being best of 5 games.
- Plate matches will be best of 3 or first to 21 depending on time and will be detailed on the day
Please enter as soon as possible as it really will help with organising everything in a timely manner.