Nomination Criteria for the Summit
What we are looking for in a BilAraby speaker:
- Innovative and groundbreaking ideas
- Inspiring solutions that transcend geographical boundaries
- Significant scientific inventions
- The ability to drive positive change and foster hope within the community
If you have:
- A new and inspiring idea
- A unique and unconventional perspective
- A scientific invention
- Or a message for hope and positive change
Then you have the opportunity to showcase your idea or scientific invention by participating in our summit!
Inspire us… BilAraby
To participate or nominate someone else for participation, you can fill out the application form and submit a video of no more than five minutes in which you present the following:
- Yourself
- A summary of the idea you wish to share on the BilAraby platform
- The reasons why we should choose your idea to be featured on the BilAraby platform