Eligibility Requirements:
1. Must reside in the Redding Rancheria Service Area and provide proof (utility bill, business mail, etc.)
The Redding Rancheria service area is defined as all of Trinity County and the western two-thirds of Shasta County.
2. Child must be age 3 through grade 12
(**Preschool students MUST have proof of enrollment in school)
3. Child must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Tribe OR at least one-fourth or more degree of Indian blood descendant of a member of a federally recognized Tribe. Verification documents for each child must be provided.
4. Proof of Legal Custody or Guardianship if applicable
5. Court House Birth Certificates (not Hospital) for all children applying
6. Applicants State or Government Issued Photo ID
Applicant is defined as the Parent or Legal Guardian
7. If your child received JOM assistance during the 2019, 2020, or 2021 School year you only need to provide picture ID as the applicant (parent/guardian), proof of preschool if applicable, and proof of service area documents.
Our Tribal office is closed to the public at this time. You will receive a call once your application is reviewed to inform you of a time to pick-up JOM or a request for more documentation or information.
For more information or questions please e-mail jom@reddingrancheria-nsn.gov