I understand that my deposit will be refunded as agreed, less past due/unpaid charges, if any, after I have moved out completely and returned possession of the premises to the landlord, as long as I leave the residence in clean and undamaged condition as per the Move-Out Cost Checklist signed at the beginning of my lease term. I agree to return the keys(s) to Landlord no later than one (1) business day after the expiration of my Lease Agreement otherwise any expenses associated with the lock change on the premises will be deducted from my security deposit. As a helpful reminder we've attached a copy of the Move Out Cost Checklist below the signature line on this form.
I understand that my Lease Agreement states that we have agreed to a sixty (60) days’ written notice to vacate. I understand that I am responsible for paying rent through the end of the term agreed to in the Lease Agreement.
I (we) agree to make the premises accessible to show to prospective tenants or purchasers at reasonable times given that 24-hours notice is provided by the Landlord.