We started the network in 2021 with a large community meeting where we talked about what the new national strategy to prevent violence (Te Aorerekura) needed to include for our communities.
At this, many of us talked about the need to connect more with each other. We are mostly professionals and community workers who identify as Rainbow and Takataapui, and want to support our own communities as well, in the work we are doing. Some members of the network are allies to this kaupapa.
Last year, we hosted some online hui about how we might change how we are talked about in the media; members of the network participated in suggesting changes to the Family Violence Are You Okay website (sadly, they've retained that awful landing page picture!); we invited people to meet with Minister Ayesha Verrall and the network supported the launch of Elder Voices.
What would you like to see in 2023? What would work best to support you? How do you want to connect?