M-K Video List
The Retired and Veteran eMKayans Committee has acquired a set of 32 Morrison-Knudsen Company Videos and are making available the opportunity for you to have your own copies. The videos highlight a multitude of projects spanning the globe. From 1912 through the 1990’s, from dams to shipbuilding, highways to railroads, mining to aerospace…the well-produced videos cover many of Morrison-Knudsen Company’s most impressive accomplishments. Just browse through the following list of available CD’s, choose your favorites, complete the order form below, and enjoy!
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CD# 1 DOCUMENTARY VIETNAM Length: 24 min, Year: 1966 Introduction to Vietnam The War Interview with Gen. Westmoreland The OICC Mission with P. Souffer The RMK-BRJ Mission with J. Lilly Training & Construction Schooling the Vietnamese
CD# 2 VIETNAM -CONSTRUCTION REPORT "A" Length: 20 min, Year: 1966 Status of Construction
CD# 3 VIETNAM -A LONG WAY TO JOURNEY Length: 26 min, Year: 1966 Poro Point - Vietnam Harbor Needs Saigon - Introduction Phan Rang AFB Da Nang Port & Projects Conclusion
CD# 4 POWER COUNTRY Length: 35 min, Year: 1950's California/Oregon Power Company Projects COPCO Lead in Klamath & Rouge River Work MK Work on the Umpqua River Roads, Dams & Power Housees
CD# 5 MARCH OF POWER Length: 32 min, Year: 1965 Introduction to Vietnam Cabinet Gorge Dam - Washington Idaho Power & C. J. Strike Dam Juanita Dam - B.C. Yale Dam, Oregon
CD# 6 MINUTEMAN -20th CENTURY Missile Program Length: 21 min, Year: 1963 Minuteman Missile Program
CD# 7 THIS IS MK and THE STARS ABOVE, THE EARTH BELOW Length: 34 min, Year: varies From the early days - photos 1912 Horses to Coal - New tools, Big Jobs Dams, Powerhouse, Seaway UT Quarry - Salt Lake Crossing Overseas Work Dams Equipment, Railroads, Tunnels Dams, Highways & Mining IECO - Powerhouses Titan Missiles - Oak Ridge (HKF) River Construction - {Pipelines) NASA - Space Craft Launch Facility VAB, Launch Tower, Pad, Crawlway, LCC, Houston & Navigation Lock
CD# 8 THIS IS WHERE WE WORK Length: 27 min, Year: 1975 Darien Gap Highway, NASSCO Shipbuilding, DC Metro, BART, Hawaii Highways, Tunis Airport, Railroads, IECO, Algeria Water System, Wyoming Coal, Sarpy Creek Coal, Mackenzie River Islands, North Sea Oil, Zaire Inga/Shaba Transmission Line, Cerron Grand Dam & Powerhouse, Newport Place, Military Housing, Singapore Bank, HKF Projects, Work in Brazil Medely of worldwide construction projects from tunnels to buildings and from powerhouses to ships
CD# 9 MK -75th ANNIVERSARY Length: 352 min, Year: 1987 History of Projects: Hoover Dam, Holland Tunnel, S.F. Outfall, Chicago Tunnel, Ten Tom Waterway, Mackenzie River Islands, Panama Pipeline, GM Auto Plant, R.J. Reynolds, Prisons, Lucky Peak Power Plant, Alaska Pipeline, Valdez Terminal, Prudhoe Bay, Cerrrejon Coal, Thistle Slide, Salt Lake Flood, Anheuser Bush, Shippingport Nuclear, Vermont Yankee, UMTRAP, Shiprock, Real Estate, High Rise Buildings, Mining, Sarpy Creek, Lignite, Transit Cars, NASSCO Shipbuilding
CD# 10 MARINE WORK & OUTFALLS Length: 100 min, Year: varies San Diego Outfall Extension - 1994 Boston Third Harbor Tunnel - 1994 San Diego Outfall Repairs Vancouver Island Marine Pipeline - 1990 Hampton Roads Twin Tunnel - 1989 Santa Cruz Outfall - 1988 Southwest Ocean Outfall - 1982 San Island Outfall - 1977
CD# 11 TUNNELING WORK Length: 82 min, Year: varies Metro West Presentation Training & Construction Tunnel Renovation - Trains Undersea at Seabrook Tunnel Clearance Program Carrizo Gorge Tunnel #8
CD# 12 MK –Four Projects Length: 76 min, Year: varies Four Projects: Cerrejon Project "Ribbons of Steel" Superconducting Super Collider Surinam Jungle Railroad - 1940's Wes Dam & I/O Tunnel - California
CD# 13 PANAMA OIL PIPELINE Length: 31 min, Year: 1983
CD# 14 BRIDGE, MONO, TUNNEL, DAMS & RR Length: 100 min, Year: varies Five Projects: Sunshine Skyway Bridge Florida EPCOT Monorail completed project Hampton Roads Tunnel, Roller Compacted Dams – MKE (Middle) Fork Dam Co., Galesville Dam Or. Railroading with the Rio Grande, Mine Spur in UT - 1962
CD# 15 THE PROBLEM SOLVERS Length: 9 min, Year: 1986 Construction Management Construction Projects
CD# 16 MARINERS in HARD HATS -SP RR Length: 30 min, Year: 1950's Salt Lake Causeway
CD# 17 THIS is WHERE WE WORK Length: 27 min, Year: 1975 Darien Gap Highway, NASSCO Shipbuilding, DC Metro, BART, Hawaii Highways, Tunis Airport, Railroads, IECO, Algeria Water System, Wyoming Coal, Sarpy Creek Coal, Mackenzie River Islands, North Sea Oil, Zaire Inga/Shaba Transmission Line, Cerron Grand Dam & Powerhouse, Newport Place, Military Housing, Singapore Bank, HKF Projects, Work in Brazil Medely of worldwide construction projects from tunnels to buildings and from powerhouses to ships
CD# 18 SHIMMERING STRANDS across ZAIRE Length: 31 min, Year: 1970's Introduction to Zaire and Project Design & Logistics - MK with IECO and Fishbach & Moore Route Surveying and Clearing Fabricate & Deliver Towers & Cable In Country Logistics & Mobilization Survey & Construction of Towers Transferring Power from Source Stringing Power Cable Power Generation & Delivery System Conclusion
CD# 19 UNDER THE POLAR STAR Length: 30 min, Year: 1970's North to Alaska Prudhoe Bay to Valdez Trans Alaska Pipeline Modules for Prudhoe Valdez Terminal Winter Construction in Alaska River Crossings/Thompson Pass
CD# 20 ASTORIA OIL Length: 6 min, Year: 1980's Oil Support Fabrication Oil Drilling Islands - Canada Northern Construction in Canada
CD# 21 TIN HATS and YELLOW IRON Length: 24 min, Year: 1970's Wanapum, Wells, Hells Canyon & Yellowtail Dams, San Luis Dam & Canal Railroad in Utah Highway in Idaho Tangas River Bridge in Portugal Highway in Peru Coal Mine in Wyoming Pipelines in New Mexico & The Netherlands Chemical Plant in Indonesia & Steel Plant in Turkey Vertical Assembly Building & Service Tower Missile Base Construction
CD# 22 MK MILITARY MARINE CONSTRUCTION Length: 13 min, Year: 1960's Vietnam Dredging and Ports
CD# 23 SWOOP Length: 11 min, Year: 1970's Southwest Ocean Outfall - S.F. Third Harbor Tunnel
CD# 24 OLDTIMERS REMINISCE –1 Length: 40 min, Year: 1980's Walston & Winsky
CD# 25 OLDTIMERS REMINISCE -2 Length: 80 min, Year: 1987 Ike Wardle
CD# 26 OLDTIMERS REMINISCE -3 Length: 62 min, Year: 1987 Wilbur/ Baker/ Karcher
CD# 27 HWM -The Man The Name Belongs To Length: 5 min, Year: 1990's Harry W. Morrison History MK History & Evolution Wake Island Legacy
CD# 28 KING KHALID MILITARY CITY Length: 19 min, Year: 1970's Outline & Scope of Work
CD# 29 TEN TOM REUNION @ Ten Tom Length: 28 min, Year: 1994 Monnot's gathering
CD# 30 TEN TOM WATERWAY (by Int'l Harverster) Length: 25 min, Year: 1980's Divide Cut by MK
CD# 31 HAMPTON ROADS TUNNEL Length: 14 min, Year: 1990's Sunken Tube Tunnel
CD# 32 HISTORY OF MORRISON-KNUDSEN Length: 86 min, Year: 1990's Introduction to MK/Growth/Major Project Recap Highlights Remembering Wake Island 75th Anniversary Recap of Projects MK Segues With Washington Group MK - This is Where We Work Recap of Accomplishments
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