About the Event
Thank you for your interest in #BLACKOUT Marketplace and Events 3rd Annual Minority Business Tradeshow! We are excited about all that will transpire and hope to build a lucrative relationship with you!
Important Vendors Information
Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:
Vendor shall have access to the location agreed upon by the parties MUST ARRIVE AT LEAST 1 HOUR BEFORE the Event’s commencement for the purpose of setting up Vendor’s vending station, goods, and other things necessary and reasonable to vending at the location.
Vendor shall be responsible for all tables, chairs, and equipment needed to vend at event.
Vendor shall not vend any goods or services other than those described herein at and during the Event without the Host’s written consent.
Vendor’s vending station shall be clean and orderly; and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Vendor’s staff may announce the availability of the goods to be vended only while they are within the confines of the vendor’s location.
Vendor’s staff shall be clothed and groomed in a clean, neat fashion and shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion.
Vendor shall have access to the location after the Event’s conclusion at to dismantle and remove all things brought to the location by Vendor. Vendor shall leave the location clean of trash and substantially in the condition it was before Vendor occupied it.
Vendor shall make at least THREE POSTS PER WEEK leading up to event to all applicable social media platforms from the moment of vendor fee payment
Vendor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Host against any damages or claims that may arise in connection with Vendor’s presence at the Event and Vendor’s activities of any kind.
Vendor understands there is to be absolutely NO ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, or FIREARMS on the property per order of Charleston County School District.