do hereby consent, authorize and grant permission to Nap Ford Community School, Inc. dba Legends Academy and their respective members, employees, and representatives of each to take photographs, video footage, or likenesses with or without sound (collectively, "Images") of the Student, and do further consent that such Images may be broadcast or published in perpetuity by all public media now known and in the future including, but not limited to, local newspapers, the Internet, websites, online, television, or any other type of media or any duplication of same for any purposes Nap Ford Community School, Inc. da Legends Academy deems appropriate.
In granting such permission, (I) (We) give Nap Ford Community School, Inc. dba Legends Academy all rights, title, and interest (1) (We) may have In the pictures, negatives, reproductions, or copies of the Images and walve any and all right to approve of the use of the Images and waive any right to compensation for the publication or other use of the Images. The parent or legal guardian releases, discharges, covenants not to sue, indemnifies, and holds harmless Nap Ford Community School, Inc. dba Legends Academy and the respective members, employees, and representatives and assigns of each (collectively, the "Released Parties") from any and all claims, damages, injuries to persons or property, causes of action, threats of litigation, loss, costs, expenses (including attorney fees), and liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising from or in any way related to the use of the Images.