Youth/Teen "Train the Trainer" Accelerator Series
Considering setting up a Teen/Youth Philanthropy Program at your Financial Institution, Community Foundation, or Family Foundation? Answer the questions below to identify the support and/or service you need to get up and running.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What do you hope to accomplish through a teen/youth philanthropy program? Check all that apply.
Value add for clients: You want to offer a unique service in support of your clients that will also offer your firm or foundation deeper value filled connection to next gen clients
You want to connect with the next generation and offer them a unique learning experience that will enhance their philanthropic learning as well as offer financial literacy introductions
You would like to offer a peer-to-peer experience allowing youth and teens to become competent givers while at an age when social opportunity is a priority
You would like to offer a multi-generational approach to philanthropy that fosters connection between generations and to your foundation or firm
Your goal is preparing next gen for a seat at the table
Your goal is offering a voice to Next Gen
Your main goal is teaching of financial literacy through learning while doing philanthropy
Your goal is to leverage expertise and connections with community needs and organizations
Your goal is to peak interest and build a leadership pipeline
Main goal is continued connection to next gen clients
Have you previously instituted a youth/teen philanthropy program?
If so, What worked? What would you like to change? What would you like to keep the same?
Who are the decision makers when it comes to new programs? Are they on board or do they need more data?
Would your organization/firm benefit from weekly or bi weekly coaching to create, tailor and institute a program designed for your clientele?
Do you need assistance to train your staff to facilitate such a program? Or do you have expertise on staff that just might need a boost of energy or coaching?
Would an ongoing cohort of like-minded foundations or financial institutions working in tandem with Schwartzman Advising to support the creation and institution of a pilot program, make sense for your organization?
List any anticipated roadblocks to getting a youth or teen philanthropy program set up at your foundation/firm?
What are your anticipated successes and wins?
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