First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (Mobile)
Area Code
Phone Number
Do you agree to receive text messages at this number?
Phone Number (Home)
Area Code
Phone Number
What time frame will you be needing services?
Do you have a website or social media page for your dog or dog(s)?
Are your stud service needs for English , French Bulldog or other?
Stud dog preference(s) by name if any?
Stud color or other preference?
Do you understand that two merle dogs cannot be bred together?
Have you yet bred/ produced litters in this breed?
If yes, what is your experience level?
If yes have you ever knowingly sold puppies to pet stores, brokers or puppy mills?
Do you understand correct progesterone testing for timing and microchips will be required in order for Shrinkabulls to guarantee the breeding?
Where will the mother dog and her puppies be raised?
Do you plan on screening the homes the puppies produced go to (how so)?
What is your female's registered name (if avail)?
What is the breed of your female?
Please attach photos of your female, front and side view.
Browse Files
Please attach your female(s) three generation pedigree if available, (if not available at this time, please include any history in your knowledge).
Browse Files
Does your female have any health concerns that you are aware of? Or health testing results you can share?
Does your female have any faults or improvements that you can see or are particularly looking to correct? This helps choose a stud that can correct her weaknesses and compliment her strengths. The illustrated bulldog breed standard can be a helpful guide:
Please explain any questions you have for us here or any information you think that we should know about you or your female(s) ?
Should be Empty: