SkyRise Students pride themselves in the amount of shows they have been a part of! Often, we hear them announce their # of productions! We would like to reward them in a special way!
SkyRise Frequent Member Plaques for 10+ shows!
Do you know the number of productions you child was apart of? (all musical, drama, and skyrise original productions count!)
Students who have been, and are frequent perfromers with SkyRise will be presented an award at their upcoming perfromance (after the last show)
Please let us know (below) which show you would like us to present your child with the award. This plaque will be something that we can continune to build upon as they participate in more shows! Once they complete another tier of shows completed, contact us and we will add to the students plaque
SkyRise Trio Performer- We will be awarding students who have participated in 3 or more stage productions with us within the academic year. - This year we are awarding those who have done 3 or more shows in the year 2024/2025 - NOTE: Summer productions are NOT included.
We are keeping track of this, you do not need to let us know if you child has participated in 3+ shows this current academic year.
Awards will be handed out at the end of their last perfromance on their 3rd production.