By signing below, I agree to follow all aftercare instructions given to me by my stylist to ensure proper and sufficient healing process to achieve the best results.
I understand that if I have any concerns, I will address them with my stylist. I give permission to my stylist, Sophia Luong, to perform the said procedures we have discussed, and will hold her harmless and nameless from any liability that may result from this treatment.
By signing below, I consent to photos being taken before and after treatments for client notes and documentation that may be used on social media however, client privacy is important to us and any photo used will be cropped appropriately if required.
I understand that if I have any concerns, I will address them with my stylist and cosmetologist. I give permission to my sylist, Sophia Luong, to perform the procedures we have discussed, and will hold her harmless and nameless from any liability that may result from this treatment.
I understand my stylist will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions as much as possible. In the event I may have additional questions or concerns regarding my treatment, I will consult the stylist immediately.
I agree that this constitutes full disclosure, and that it supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.
I do not hold the stylist or SOLUXBeauty LLC., responsible for any of my conditions that were present, but not disclosed at the time of this procedure, which may be affected by the treatment performed today.
I certify that I have read, and fully understand, the above paragraphs and that I have had sufficient opportunity for discussion to have any questions answered. I understand the procedure and accept the risks.