Spread The Word Nevada (STWN) Waitlist Application
Thank you for your interest in Spread the Word Nevada's literacy programs! We are so excited to talk with you more about bringing the magic of books to your school. We are currently accepting schools on our waitlist. Once added to our waitlist we will connect with you as we are able to add more schools to our programming. *Please note programming is offered for elementary schools only*.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What District is Your School?
Clark County
Washoe County
Elko County
Charter Authority
School Name
School Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What is your role at the school?
Teacher - Leader
Literacy Coach
Parent/Family Member
Communities in Schools
PTA Member
Principal Name
First Name
Last Name
Principal Email
Have you discussed these programs with the principal and does your principal want to add literacy programs to your school?
Is your school a Title I School?
What is your school's total enrollment (Pre-K-5)?
What is your 3rd grade reading proficiency percentage?
What percentage of your students are English Language Learners (ELL)?
What percentage of your students are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL)?
What programs are you interested in?
Kids to Kids (Monthly book distribution to build in home libraries)
Family Literacy Program (After school family literacy program, offered 4X per year)
Books & Buddies (During the school day program where students are referred to our classroom and paired with a mentor who meets with them weekly to focus on the student's reading proficiency, accuracy, fluency and comprehension)
In order for Spread the Word Nevada programming to be successful in a school, the assigned school liaison would be responsible for the following activities. Please read the list below and check all that the liaison would be able to accomplish.
Participate in required training sessions (2 times per year)
Run STWN programs using best practices
Determine schedule for Family Literacy Program. attend the program and have a minimum of 2 other staff members to assist each session (4 x year).
Promote the Family Literacy Program program using provided marketing materials
Distribute monthly Kids to Kids books to all students in the school using best practices
Provide time for students to explore their chosen books each month and celebrate book ownership
Complete required monthly surveys, assessment, and/or testimonials for sponsors
Allow sponsors and Spread the Word Nevada Staff to participate in book distributions and family literacy program
How did you learn about Spread the Word Nevada?
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