Dear Athletes, Families, Caregivers:
We are excited about the coming winter season and are getting ready to open lesson reservations. This year the process will be slightly different.
- If you are interested in Summit Explorers or Club Summit (our 5 consecutive week lesson packages) you will be able to reserve and book packages between October 5th through December 1st only by completing the form below with your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices and the steps outlined. These 5 consecutive week lesson packages are available for returning particpants. New participants should start with booking individuals lessons.
- If you are interested in booking Individual Lessons you will be able to do that starting December 5th via the Welcome Center at Ski Sundown if the athlete registration and waivers are completed - see steps 2 and 3 below. We encourage you to complete required forms before December 5th so you will be all set.
- Note: Initially you will be able to purchase one 5 consecutive week lesson package or 5 individual lessons per participant. We hope to open additional individual lessons later in the season with a maximum of 3 additional lessons per participant.
1. Register the Athlete (all) Athlete Registration Form :
- If New, participants must complete an Athlete Registration Form
- If Returning, participants only need to complete an updated Athlete Registration Form each year if a) the participant is under age 18, or b) if the participant has had a medical or contact information change
2. Sign the Waivers (all) Waivers: All participants need to have signed the liability waivers with us (these liability waivers need to be signed each year). They are linked in this form, and also at the end of the Athlete Registration Form after you hit 'Submit'. There are three:
- Summit Liability Waiver (required)
- Summit Media Release (optional)
- Ski Sundown Liabiity Waiver (required)
3. If you would like a 5 Consecutive Week Lesson Package follow the Next Steps# 4 - 7. If you would like to book Individual Lessons you can call Ski Sundowns's Welcome Center 860-379-7669 ext 211 starting December 5th.
4. Complete this Form (5 consecutive week lesson package only): Those requesting Summit Explorers (weekend) or Club Summit (midweek) 5 consecutive week lesson packages should complete this form with your preferred dates, ranking them. If you have a specific need (such as you have another child in a Ski Sundown program at a certain day/time) there is space to write that to us and we will do our best to accomodate.
5. Receive Email from Summit. Summit will email you with confirmation of day and time of lessons. Please all 5 - 8 business days for us to process.
6. Complete payment with the Ski Sundown Welcome Center.
7. Final: Once all steps are completed you will receive a confirmation from Ski Sundown reconfirming your day and time.
Our website has complete information. The best way to reach us if you have questions is by email at . If you prefer to call us at 860-379-7669 x 221 and we are not in the office please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.