I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age and I certify that I have read or have had someone read the contents of this form to me. I understand the risks and alternatives involved in this procedure as stated. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and all of my questions have been answered.
I realize my body is unique and the artist cannot predict how my skin may react as a result of the procedure. I acknowledge that the procedure will result in a permanent change to my appearance and that no representations have been made to me as the ability to later change or remove the result.
I understand that future laser treatments or other skin altering services or products may alter or degrade by permanent makeup. I understand that such changes are not the fault of the practitioner. I further understand that such changes may not be correctable through future permanent makeup or removal.
I acknowledge that obtaining paramedical tattooing services is by my choice alone, and I consent to the application of the procedure and its risks, and to any conduct or actions of the practitioner reasonably necessary to perform the procedure. Tattoos should be considered permanent; that it can only be removed with a surgical or invasive procedure; and that any effective removal may leave permanent scarring and disfigurement. The Artistry LLC and Evolve Med Ink make no attempt or claim to practice medicine.
I understand that tattoo inks, dyes, and pigments have not been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration and that the health consequences of using these products are unknown. I further understand that the cosmetic tattooing service is permanent, and no promises have been made in the ability to remove or alter the results.
I acknowledge that I have reviewed and approved the materials given to me and I authorize the Artist of The Artistry, L.L.C and Evolve Med Ink to perform Paramedical treatment(s) on me. I hereby release and forever discharge The Artistry, L.L.C, Evolve Med Ink and its technicians and affiliates from all demands, actions or cause of action and any liability arising from the performance including the risks of Micro-pigmentation procedure done today and for all future appointments. It is further acknowledged, that I authorize and grant permission to use before and after photographs for Advertising for The Artistry LLC and Evolve Med Ink (i.e. portfolios, brochures, online, social media or print advertisements).