2024 Pricing and Discounts (10 week term)
An annual registration fee of $30 and needs to be paid as you enrol (please see bottom of the page) in order to cover insurance, administration and music licencing costs.
If you enrol before the New Year - You will recieve an$10 discount which will come off your Term 1 invoice.
30 min class - $13.50pw/10 week term (inc. GST)
45 min class- $16.50pw/ 10 week term (inc. GST)
60 min class - $18.50pw/10 week term (inc. GST)
STUDENT PACKAGES (Not Including Private lessons)
Package A - 2 Classes - 5% discount
Package B - 3 Classes - 10% discount
Package C - 5+ Classes - 15% Discount
(Calculated per family on total amount)
2 Students = 5%, 3 Students = 10%, 4 or more Students = 15%