Tender Loving Cats, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization which exists for the benefit of homeless cats, in particular on Long Island, according to the mission statement and By-Laws of Tender Loving Cats, Inc.
The purpose of the activities of Tender Loving Cats include, but are not limited to, placement of cats in suitable homes, education of the public about the need to spay and neuter, and trap-neuter-return (TNR) efforts.
Tender Loving Cats, Inc is an all-volunteer organization. Every person’s contribution is important and vital to the success and continuation of the organization.
Tender Loving Cats, Inc. endeavors to operate with the utmost integrity, in the way it presents itself to the public, in its truthfulness and its endeavors. Tender Loving Cats, Inc. shall be intolerant of bias, favoritism, abuse, harassment, hostility and behaviors which are destructive to the organization, its members/volunteers and/or its efforts.
No action may be taken on behalf of Tender Loving Cats, Inc. without prior approval of the President and/or the Board of Directors pursuant to the current By-Laws of this organization.
The Board of Directors, Officers, members, foster parents and volunteers are ambassadors for Tender Loving Cats, Inc. and its public image. It is expected that the organization, its Board of Directors, Officers, members, volunteers and foster parents shall act in the best interest of the animals and organization, and shall set aside minor differences and conflicts to achieve the organization’s ultimate goals. The Board of Directors, Officers, members, volunteers and foster parents, shall conduct themselves in a civil, respectful and appropriate manner. It is further expected that the Board members, Officers, members, volunteers and foster parents shall conduct themselves in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization as set forth herein, in the By-Laws and mission statement of the organization.