Audit The Vote PA was formed a little over 3 years ago, after a petition for a full forensic audit of the 2020 election in Pennsylvania was circulated and amassed over 120,000 signatures over a 4 month period of time. Unfortunately, despite a lot of hard work through a completely grass roots effort, our petition was denied and our voices were ignored. Instead our own elected officials have defamed us, slandered us, and labeled us as "election deniers".
According to the state department’s own publicly available SURE system data, we still have roughly 120,000 unreconciled ballots cast in an election that was decided by 80,555 votes. To see the report written that documents this, go to The state department’s website has labeled that statistic as “misinformation”, however they fail to provide any proof to support their claim.
In the 2022 General Election, Audit The Vote’s data expert, Vico Bertogli, noticed a strange anomaly on the state department’s website at 8:36pm where then Gubernatorial Candidate Josh Shapiro was awarded roughly 10M mail-in ballot votes and Candidate Doug Mastriano was awarded roughly 2.5M mail-in ballots, a mathematical impossibility because the state has a grand total of just over 9M registered voters. Within minutes, Vico refreshed his screen and noticed that the mail ballot numbers went back to zero. He then immediately wrote a software program to scrape the department of state’s website updates every 5 minutes thereafter to monitor the results as they were coming in. What we found was that vote totals for all the statewide races were constantly changing, going up and down on election night and even in the days following the election. Why do vote totals go down at all while reporting results are coming in? Shouldn’t they only go up?
Just this past November, using the same method that was developed in 2022, we discovered that Supreme Court Judge Candidate Carolyn Carluccio had over 350k in person votes removed from her vote totals at 9:46pm. The PAGOP and the State Department exchanged letters on this matter, but no documented proof has been provided to explain what happened. Audit the Vote filled out RTK requests asking for publicly available reporting data from both Cambria and Montgomery counties, which is where the largest vote drops occurred. Montgomery County provided the data we needed, but Cambria County did not. The data that Montgomery County gave us shows a contradiction between what the state department asserts happened that caused the issue and what the county reporting records show actually happened. What happened in Cambria County remains a mystery.
According to an ABC news article published on January 6th, 2022 titled, Americans’ Faith in Election Integrity Drops, Only 20% of the public says it’s confident in the country’s elections… 20%.
The bottom line is this: Too much of our vote counting process is behind closed doors, either where poll watchers are not given meaningful access to observe or hidden in cyberspace and the only way to restore public trust is with a fully transparent counting and reporting process.
This petition advocates for a hand count of all paper ballots, at least for the Presidential race, before certification of the 2024 election. There is nothing in Pennsylvania’s election code that would prohibit such a process from being implemented. In fact, because we are a Commonwealth, our 67 counties have the authority to run their elections the way they see fit as long as they are abiding by state law. We are asking every county to help us restore public trust in our elections by agreeing to verify the results of the Presidential election using a hand count method of their choosing. The worst possible outcome we can have in November is the losing side accusing the winning side of cheating, just like they did in 2016 from the Democrats and in 2020 from the Republicans. Secure and transparent elections is not a partisan issue. It’s an American issue, and it’s the only way forward.