Science Workplaces and Careers Survey 2022
Collective Action for Better Science is a network of scientists committed to improving scientific workplaces and careers through collective action. Your voice as a researcher is critical for helping direct our work. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey on your working conditions at Washington State University and on our collective voice as scientists. This survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.Your personal information will not be attached to your responses on the survey and all information will remain confidential.
What is your job title at WSU?
Postdoctoral research associate
Postdoctoral teaching associate
Research associate
What department do you work in?
At which campus or research center do you work?
Mt. Vernon
Tri Cities
In the past year, have you experienced any of the following related to your WSU employee income and financial situation?
Not Applicable
Delays in receiving a paycheck / untimely pay
Had trouble making ends meet
Took out loans, borrowed money, relied on someone else (like a spouse, friend, or family member) or had to use a credit card to pay for essentials
A change in your WSU wages resulting in lower income
A change in the duration of your appointment at WSU resulting in a shorter employment period
Loss of your WSU job
Uncertainty or delays with your WSU contract renewal
Were food insecure or went hungry because you were not able to get enough food
Used food assistance services (food bank, SNAP, WIC, churches, etc.)
Had any utilities stopped by vendor (heat or electricity, phone service, water/sewer)
Were one or more months behind on rent or house payments
Evicted from housing or were homeless
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Not applicable
My WSU income is sufficient for the cost of living in this area.
My pay adequately reflects the value of my contributions to research.
I make enough money through my job to support myself.
I make enough money through my job to support my family.
Budgeted increases for my salary have been implemented in a fair and timely manner.
Campus and work-related amenities are affordable for me (ex: parking permits, recreation center)
I am satisfied with the retirement plan offered through my job at WSU
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Strongly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
I have adequate access to funds for conference travel through my supervisor, department, college, or elsewhere in WSU
I have adequate access to funds for conducting my own research, including seed or pilot grants, through my supervisor, department, college, or elsewhere in WSU
I have adequate access to funds for other professional development through my supervisor, department, college, or elsewhere in WSU
Overtime Eligibility
In January 2023, Washington State’s minimum wage for overtime eligibility will increase to $65,484. This means that all employees in Washington State, including at Washington State University, must either make a minimum annual salary of $65,484 or else will be eligible for overtime payment (paid at a 1.5x rate for every hour worked over 40 hours per week). Were you aware of these upcoming changes to your employment?
In January 2023, will your salary increase to meet the minimum wage of $65,484/year?
Yes, I will receive an increase in my salary and I will not be overtime eligible
No, I will not receive an increase in my salary and I will be overtime eligible
No, I will not receive an increase in my salary, but I will not be overtime eligible because my salary is already above $65,484/year
If you are already overtime eligible or if you will become overtime eligible in January 2023, has your supervisor told you any of the following? Select all that apply:
You are/will be required to log your work hours every day
You are/will be asked to work overtime without logging overtime hours
You are/will be asked to log hours worked overtime on a different day
You cannot log overtime hours because there is no money in the budget to pay for overtime
Your activities that count for “work hours” will change (ex: time spent in professional development will not count as work hours)
Not applicable
Which option would you prefer for yourself?
Receive an annual salary of at least $65,484/year and not be overtime eligible (no required tracking of weekly work hours)
Receive an annual salary of less than $65,484/year and be overtime eligible (required to track weekly work hours)
How was your salary and overtime eligibility for 2023 decided?
My supervisor decided on their own
My supervisor decided in consultation with their supervisor(s)
My supervisor decided in consultation with me
My college or department decided
I decided on my own
Workload and Leave
In the past year, have you experienced any of the following related to your WSU employment?
Not applicable
Asked or expected to do work outside the scope of your job
Asked or expected to work unreasonable hours in terms of the time of day
Worked more than the number of hours on your contract / for which you are paid
Took a vacation/break or time off from work
Asked or expected to work while taking leave hours (ex: sick leave, annual leave, personal holiday)
[If overtime eligible] Asked to work overtime without logging overtime hours or asked to log hours on a different day
Asked or expected to work when you were sick
Per WSU's "Business Policies and Procedures Manual", the maximum annual leave accrual is 352 hours (44 working days). Have you ever gone over the limit for accumulated annual leave?
Not applicable
What will happen to your unused annual leave time when you end your job at WSU?
I will be paid for the amount of annual leave I didn't use
I will not be paid for the amount of annual leave I didn't use
I don't know
Not applicable
If I had an issue with my salary or workload, I would feel comfortable discussing the issue with my supervisor.
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Health Insurance and Childcare
Do you receive health insurance through your employment at WSU?
Not applicable
Have you experienced any of the following within the past year?
Not applicable
Trouble getting the prescriptions you need
Trouble accessing mental health services
Trouble accessing physical health services
Trouble accessing preventative care (well baby exams, immunizations, annual physicals, mammography, etc.)
Issues with healthcare costs
Inadequate health insurance coverage or issues with coverage, such as an inadequate network of in-network providers
Foregone or delayed medical care due to lack of ability to pay
Foregone or delayed dental care due to lack of ability to pay
How would you rate your employer-provided health insurance?
Has your overall health been adversely affected because of your lack of access to medical care?
Do you have additional health insurance coverage on top of your WSU health insurance?
Yes, through Washington Apple Health
Yes, dependent on spouse health insurance
Yes, dependent on parent health insurance
In the past year, have you experienced any of the following related to your WSU employment?
Not applicable
Difficulty accessing adequate childcare
Difficulty paying for childcare
Difficulty accessing lactation stations or baby changing stations
Difficulty receiving accommodations or time off for childcare
Difficulty receiving parental leave
Had to use sick, annual, or unpaid leave time for family, medical, or parental leave
Returned to work after family, medical, or parental leave earlier than you desired
Discrimination and Harassment
In the past year at WSU, have any of the following behaviors been directed at you?
Prefer not to say
Derogatory jokes, slurs, or degrading comments about your identity group (ex: gender, race or ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, sexuality, etc.)
Different treatment from others in your department or group that seemed to be based on your identity or some part of your identity
Unwelcome romantic or sexual advances or explicit or suggestive sexual comments (including touching, hugging, stroking, persistent requests for dates, unwanted expressions of romantic or sexual attraction, comments about your appearance)
Bullying (not romantically or sexually charged) where you felt afraid you would be treated poorly if you didn’t cooperate.
Other (if yes or unsure, please describe in the box below)
Other behaviors directed at you:
Which aspect of your identity do you believe was the basis for these behaviors?
In what university role is/was the perpetrator(s)? Select all that apply.
Faculty (not your PI/advisor)
Faculty (your PI/advisor)
Graduate student
Undergraduate student
Non-WSU person
Prefer not to say
Did you go to anyone for support to make a report? Select all that apply.
Title IX or CRCI (Office of Civil Rights Compliance & Investigation)
Police (WSU PD, Pullman PD, etc.)
Alternatives to Violence on the Palouse
Confidential Victim Advocate
Department faculty/staff
Friends or family
Did not go to anyone
How satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the outcome?
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
In the past year at WSU, have you witnessed any of the following behaviors being directed at someone else?
Prefer not to say
Derogatory jokes, slurs, or degrading comments about their identity group (ex: gender, race or ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, sexuality, etc.)
Different treatment from others in their department or group that seemed to be based on their identity or some part of their identity
Unwelcome romantic or sexual advances or explicit or suggestive sexual comments (including touching, hugging, stroking, persistent requests for dates, unwanted expressions of romantic or sexual attraction, comments about their appearance)
Bullying (not romantically or sexually charged) where they felt afraid they would be treated poorly if they didn’t cooperate.
Other (if yes or unsure, please describe in the box below)
Other behaviors directed at someone else:
Discrimination and Harassment
How likely or unlikely would you be to do the following? (For the purposes of this survey, “harassment” is defined as "conduct that annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of their safety.” Note that this can be done even if the person performing the conduct doesn’t intend to cause harm.)
Very Likely
Very Unlikely
I would access support resources at WSU if I was harassed.
I would access support resources at WSU if I witnessed someone else being harassed.
I would make a formal report if I was harassed.
I would make a formal report if I witnessed someone else being harassed.
I would speak up if I was being harassed.
I would speak up or intervene if I witnessed someone else being harassed.
If you were to make a report of harassment, how likely or unlikely do you think the following would be to happen?
Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Your privacy would be maintained.
Your report would be handled fairly.
Your report would be handled within a reasonable amount of time.
You would be protected from retaliation.
You would be able to continue working and learning during the investigation safely and with minimal interruptions.
Please add any additional thoughts about experiences with harassment or reporting at WSU.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
My department takes issues of harassment, equity, and inclusion seriously.
The University takes issues of harassment, equity, and inclusion seriously.
My department can effectively respond to issues of harassment.
The University can effectively respond to issues of harassment.
I feel confident that most people in my department share a sense of responsibility for cultivating a healthy work culture.
I feel encouraged and supported in my department.
Overall, Washington State University provides a welcoming and supportive environment for people like me.
International Scholars
Are you an international scholar?
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Not applicable
WSU provides adequate guidance on the visa application process, including guidance on what type of visa is best for my circumstances at WSU.
WSU provides adequate information about the fees, benefits, and other impacts to my employment at WSU as an international scholar.
WSU provides adequate support around navigating visa status, including guidance on maintaining eligibility, requirements, restrictions etc
WSU has done a good job helping international researchers navigate anti-immigrant policies from the federal government
Accessibility and COVID safety
In the past year at WSU, have you experienced any of the following? (Select all that apply.)
Difficulty getting support or accommodations for a disability
Difficulty accessing safe or affirming bathrooms
Workplace safety hazards, including physical hazards and lack of training
Difficulty receiving approval for remote work or work from home.
None of the above
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
My department has responded to the COVID-19 outbreak appropriately
My department has been sensitive to my health and well-being following the COVID-19 outbreak
My department has been sensitive to the health and well-being of my colleagues following the COVID-19 outbreak
My department has been sensitive to the ways the COVID-19 outbreak has impacted my job duties
My department has provided adequate and equitable work at home/remote work accommodations.
My department has offered guidance around the ways the COVID-19 outbreak can create career consequences, including decreased opportunities for travel, changes in the job market, etc.
What do you think is the most pressing issue for postdocs and research associates at WSU?
Can we contact you for a short discussion on your perspective about working at WSU in more detail? If yes, you will be taken to a new form separate from your survey responses to provide your contact information.
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