We the undersigned are citizens of Utah and declare the following:
Legislation that upholds:
The right of businesses to conduct enterprise free of any requirement to act as medical enforcers
The right of citizens to pursue employment free from discrimination on the basis of their personal medical decisions
The right of citizens to patronize any business serving the public free from discrimination on the basis of their personal medical decisions
Any mandates (or administrative rules or laws) issued by the federal government that deny any of the freedoms outlined above
Any mandates (or administrative rules or laws) issued by the State of Utah or any County or City government agency within the state of Utah that deny any of the freedoms outlined above
Any coercive measures - direct or indirect - conducted or promoted by the Chambers of Commerce, any trade association, or by one business against another business, intended to deny the freedoms outlined above
Any business serving the public who will discriminate against existing or potential employees or deny service to any customers on the basis of their personal medical decisions