The prices below are good through Wednesday, April 2nd. They will increase on Thursday, April 3rd. See Terms & Conditions for details and the full pricing schedule. No refunds will be given upon approval of application.
Quantity selected should match the number of booth spaces you are requesting. Please select the correct booth category. You will have to re-submit your application if the wrong classification is selected or the wrong quantity is selected.
This is the card that will be charged within 2-3 business days IF your application is approved. The transaction may appear as "pending" on your account, but it will not finalize unless your application is approved.
Fine Art classification is for those whose work has been shown in a Fine Art Gallery or at a juried Art Festival/Fair. Please select "Craft/Non-Craft/Non-Profit" if this does not apply.
"Porter County Resident" and "Non-Porter County Resident" refers to the official location/address of your company/organization, not your personal residence.