• Treating everyone with respect and fairness.
• Do not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or violence.
• Discrimination means treating someone unfairly based on factors like race,
gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or other protected
• Harassment includes making offensive comments, sharing offensive materials,
humiliating or teasing others based on their protected characteristics, or
engaging in unwelcome behavior.
• Sexual and gender-based harassment includes inappropriate comments, physical
contact, offensive jokes, or unwanted advances.
• Avoid making unwelcome sexual solicitations or advances, and report any such
• A poisoned environment is created when comments or conduct create a
discriminatory atmosphere, even if they are not directed at a specific person.
• Violence includes physical attacks, threatening behavior, or verbal/written
threats that could cause harm.
• Silence or appearing to go along with harassment does not make it acceptable.
• VDICSS has zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, or violence among
staff, volunteers, and program partcipants.
• VDICSS may reject applications or remove individuals from the program for
engaging in such behavior.
• If you experience any behavior that goes against this policy, report it to VDICSS
staff immediately.
I understand that my participation in the VDICSS Young Adult program is conditional upon my compliance with this Code of Conduct.