1. The camper and his/her parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations set by the Directors of Camp Saw Mill. Rules and regulations are put in place for the health, safety and welfare of the Camp and the children in attendance.
2. No reduction, credits or allowance is made for late arrival, early withdrawal, or absenses of a camper after May 15, 2025.
3. The camp fee, less the $50 Non-Refundable processing fee and $250 Non-Refundable deposit, will be refunded only if your child is withdrawn before May 15th, 2025.
4. In the event the camp season or day is shortened due to flood, hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster, war, terrorism, order of civil authority or any other reason beyond the camp's control, camp shall not be liable for any consequential damages, and the refund of tuition, if any, shall be in the complete discretion of the camp.
5. The Directors reserve the right to refuse an application or dismiss a camper whose behavior or influence is considered unsatisfactory or unfavorable to the best interest of the camp or other campers. In that event, no refunds will be given.
6. When it is considered necessary for a camper's health, the Directors reserve the right to have a camper hospitalized or to use outside medical professionals. Parents remain responsible for the cost of any outside care.
7. I realize that no environment is risk-free, and so I have discussed with my child the importance of following the camp rules. I give my permission for my child to participate in all activities, including swimming, and for camp personnel to assist my child when dressing (if necessary A child who is unable to physically apply sunscreen may be assisted by unlicensed personnel when directed to do so by the child, if permitted by a parent or guardian and authorized by the camp. By signing below, I give permission for Camp Saw Mill Staff to help my child in applying sunscreen when the child asks for assistance in doing so.
8. The camp is not responsible for camper's lost or damaged personal belongings while at camp.
I hereby give consent for my child to participate in the camp program at Saw Mill Club. I have read and agree to all Camp Saw Mill policies stated above.