King Size Candy - $2,500 - This sponsor level is the event's Title Sponsor. They will be included in radio advertising and will have prime placement at either end of the street. We will include a “Fun Facts” sign and teaser video that will run prominently on social media prior to event. This level additionally includes 10 one-day Family Museum Passes that can be distributed to employees or business partners.
Full Size Candy - $1,000 - This level will entitle the sponsor to inclusion on all marketing materials and social media related to the Truck-or-Treat event. The sponsor will also be mentioned in the day-of live radio broadcast. This level additionally includes 7 one-day Family Museum Passes that can be distributed to employees or business partners.
Fun Size Candy - $500 - This sponsor level will be included on all Social Media posts related to the event. This sponsor will also receive 4 one-day Family Museum Passes that can be distributed to employees or business partners.
Lollipop - $250 - Sponsors at this level will enjoy participating at the live event and receive 2 one-day Family Museum Passes that can be distributed to employees or business partners.
Candy Corn - $0 - (Public Service Only) - This level is reserved for our Public Service community partners that will be attending and participating in the event.