- Motion 7 from ICM 2019 unanimously introduced "an annual award for outstanding achievements in Community Service."
Submission and basic eligibity criteria
There are two categories of awards - independent, for CS coordinated and executed by a single club and collective, for CS involving multiple clubs at the District, Region or Area level.
Applications must:
- Include at least one photo or video of the community service project in progress
- Represent one project or activity
- And a) directly assist or serve a marginalised population; b) be coordinated and executed primarily by the applicant; c) count at least 20 or more direct beneficiaries, d) involve at least 20% of the impementing club members in some capacity
Award formats
- There will be one award given annually for each category which will be an engraved plaque issued in the name of recipient Club, District, Region or Area.
- Certifications of Recognition to the highest ranking project in each Region - whether independent or collective - will also be issued. (Regions which do not submit any application or submit applications failing to meet the basic criteria will not receive a certificate.)
Application Assessment
Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the IEOs with the cooperation of the ISD Community Service between 15 June and 30 June each year. Those community service activities which best fulfil the overlying objectives of our organisation, have maximum overall impact relative to size/duration of project, as well as build awareness, increase our visibility and strengthen our brand will be recognised.
Results will be announced in conjunction with ICM.