Scientific knowledge and discoveries are never developed in isolation from the world around them. Instead, they are shaped by and work to shape the historical, cultural, and social context of the world around us. As the boundaries of science and technology continue to advance forward and fields become more specialized, the Yale Undergraduate Research Conference aims to blur the traditional lines of demarcation between disciplines and institutions and allow this new generation of undergraduate scientists to work together to explore, innovate, and lead.
- In-Person Presenter registration is limited to individuals actively pursuing an undergraduate/graduate degree at a college/university. Presenters must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at a college/university.
- All presenters must prepare a 48 x 36 inch research poster for participation in the poster sessions. Presenters will engage in Q&A sessions with judges.
- Presenters who wish to speak during the flash talk session must prepare a powerpoint presentation designed to last 10 minutes. A brief 5 minute Q&A session will follow.
- Early-bird registration for presenters is $120 until February 24, 2025. The fee increases to $140 until the final deadline of March 21, 2025. This fee covers YURC welcome materials, 2 lunches, the awards reception dinner, basic housing in undergraduate dorms, and several fun evening activities.
- Virtual conference registration is $50. This fee covers Zoom acccess to YURC 2025 speaker symposia, flash talks, connection networks, and the opportunity to submit research to the Yale Undergraduate Research Journal for publication.
- Non-Presenters may also attend in person and have access to all networking/speaker events at $75 per attendee.
- Submission of this form confirms your attendance at YURC 2025. We hope to see you all in New Haven!
Please visit our website for more information!
This year, our event will be held during the weekend of President McInnis's inauguration! The campus will be bustling with Yalies past and present. The Yale Undergraduate Research Conference has $6,000 of prize money to award for exemplary research in the poster session (1st Place in each category will receive $500, 2nd place will receive $300, 3rd place will receive $100).
Invited keynote speakers will engage in dialogue designed to explore the connection between STEM research, ethics, law, and the liberal arts.
Important Deadlines:
Early-Bird Registration: February 24, 2025
Standard Registration: March 21, 2025
Submit final draft of poster and PowerPoint: March 24, 2025
Tentative Conference Schedule:
Friday, April 4th
5PM-10PM: Check-in and Welcome Activities
Saturday, April 5th
10 AM - 12PM: Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speaker
12:00-3:00 Research and Innovation Expo + Lunch
3:00 - 4:00 Keynote Speaker
4:00 - 6:00 Break for Dinner
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Keynote Speaker
7:00 PM -10:00 PM: Evening Connections + Flash Talks
Sunday, April 6th
9 AM - 10 AM: Project Setup
10 AM - 11 AM: Keynote Speaker
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Lunch/Networking
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Keynote Speaker
1:30 - 5:00 Poster Competition
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Closing Ceremony and Awards Reception