Midsouth District Assembly Childcare Registration 2025
For ages 6 weeks to 5 years old.
Name of Child
First Name
Last Name
Age of Child
Name of Parent/Guardian
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Additional Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number of Additional Emergency Contact
Please enter a valid phone number.
Check dates/times that child will be in attendance
April 24th (Thursday Night)
April 25th (Friday Morning)
April 25th (Friday Afternoon)
April 25th (Friday Night)
Is your child potty trained?
Church Attended
Allergies, Medications, Other Medical Alerts or Concerns
Upon arrival there will be a sign in sheet to sign in your child for every service or drop off. Due to lack of cell service, we will be using popsicle sticks with numbers on them to alert you if we need you. Your Child's number will flash upon the screen in service in case you are needed. See you soon!
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