Attach the following:
1. Venue insurance requirement statement that includes the exact name and address of who they want listed as the Certificate Holder. If the venue does not requre insurance (very rare), then ask the venue provide a note stating as such on their letterhead.
2. If you plan on an event with overnight participants, you mus uipload a detailed budget which will ensure a no-loss P&L which includes support documentation. Do not submit an application without this information.
3. Declaration page of auto insurance policy showing minimum of 100,000/300,000 bodily injury coverage and policy TERM dates, for each event coordinator/director. Also, the declaration page is required from each event helper using an auto during the event or in preparation for it, picking up/dropping off people at airports (running errands, etc.).
4. If you want your event info put on your branch/chapter website and be listed on the SMAC calendar, let us know by completing the ADD or EDIT INFO ON OUR WEBSITE. If you need a registration form created for you, use Registration Form Creation Request (Forms always available in Members Only Document Library at
NOTE: By submitting this form, event coordinators/directors agree to assume full personal liability for all injuries and/or property damage resulting from ANY incident if they or any adult helper involved in the event was not listed on this form, regardless if this person was in any way involved in the incident, and, any auto accident involving themselves or their event personnel for which they did not provide the required auto policy declarations and agree to hold SMAC Board, its members and employees, blameless and harmless for said accident. You further agree not to allow any teacher or adult helper participate in any way if their background check and awarness training is not current.
Note - if you have additional helpers or want to report an existing helper will have driving duties, contact