Trainer's Name
Trainee's Name
Todays Date
What day of training was this?
Please Select
Day 1: Same room Training
Day 2: Same room Training
Day 3: Same room Training/or Close by
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11: Extra Training
Day 12: Extra Training
THREE positive things done well today:
THREE areas to improve:
Rate their Quality for the day: (1 or more areas can be selected) Typically Medium- High is standard for week one
Zero Quality issues
Light Quality Issues- Missing 1-2 small areas
Light Quality Issues: Missing details & presentation (triangle on toilet paper etc...)
Medium Quality Issues: Missing 3-4 areas & adding 15+ minutes
Medium Quality Issues: Sent back to fix details & presentation (Folding blankets, straightening areas etc...) 2nd Day Reminder
High Quality Issue: Missing 5+ areas: Sent back to re-clean an area or room
High Quality- Day 4 reminder on same areas
Needing to add a extra day of training to fix Quality issues
Is this person ready to start Solo Training? (Solo Training is typically in the 8th to 10th day after their hired date)
Not yet or Still in Week 1
Week 1: Areas Trained in Today:
App Training
Key Training
1 PM Training
Quality Check Training-
How to Request Time- Fill out a form together for training example
Damage or Breakage Training- Fill out a form together for training example
Employee Resource: Wiki Training
Week 2: Areas Trained in Today:
Inside Fridge SHOW
Inside WIndows SHOW
Inside Oven SHOW
Difference between FMC & DC (Showed and performed)
What is a Tidy Up?
Whats in a Move Out Cleaning
Preparing for training with Toni
Preparing for Solo
Do they understand Naturalcare's Pay system?
Yes- We discussed it!
Yes- But we need help with better explaining it
No- Week 1 They haven't gotten a pay check
No- Explained but not understanding
Add On's
Perform Inside Oven 1
Perform Inside Oven 2
Perform Inside Oven 3
Perform Inside Fridge 1
Perform Inside Fridge 2
Perform Inside Fridge 3
Perform Inside Window 1
Perform Inside Window 2
Perform Inside Window 3
Perform Hand wiping Baseboard/Shutters 1
Perform Hand wiping Baseboard/Shutters 2
Perform Hand wiping Baseboard/Shutters 3
Trainee Signature
Trainer Signature
Positive Examples:
Details on WHAT they did great (Example: Bathroom "She did super great on flowing flow, touching everything and making sure all bottles were facing forward)
Quality Checking
Able to use Maid Central without help
Able to use FYF without help
Able to use AM Rewards without help
Shay was going above and beyond for our second home with wiping spots on windows and doors without me saying anything
Shes paying more attention to detail
Shes a great team player she kept wanting to help me out with wet work because she thought I was falling behind
She asks a TON of great questions, and not just what do I do next questions but questions like
What if a client wants to add on inside of fridge and it's not on the work order?
Improvement Examples:
When discussing quality write down what type of quality, where they are missing it and give more details on quality missed
When missing details & presentation give more details on areas missed
Phone Useages- Not taking personal calls or text while in clients home
Struggling Retaining directs after Week 1
In our last home Her sink work was a little off and there was spots on cabinets that were missed but that was the only issues today
Detail, she didn't clean out the sinks with barkeep, more attention to faucets
Vacuuming, I know it can take time to be more thorough
Being careful with edging as to not scuff walls and floors
Presentation with pillows on couches
Helpful Links:
Employee Resource Page
Week 1
Week 2
How do i get paid?
Understanding Payroll
Supplemental Pay
Understanding Miles
Earning PTO
Why am I not earning PTO?
Trainee Evaluation- Day 1, Day 5 & Day 10
Should be Empty: