The Florida Theatre Conference (also known as FTC) is a once-a-year, 3-day-long conference for educational theatre! It consists of one-acts, workshops, college fair, college auditions, and so much more, for theatre students and educators alike. It allows Juniors and Seniors to audition for 50+ colleges.
Due to high interest and limited space, here is who can sign up and when:
Seniors - September 6
Juniors - September 7
Anyone else (9-12) who hasn't signed up - Starting September 9th, I will let everyone know how many spots are available. At this point, it will be first come first serve.
There are detailed requirements for musical/acting auditions and technical theater auditions.
To see the requirements and audition/interview form visit the FTC website here.
To complete the audition form click here
For seniors, there are four scholarships available. Two of these scholarships will be awarded at the end of the conference. Please look on the FTC website for more info on each scholarship.
Hotel accommodations and meals:
We will be staying at The Holiday Inn in Winter Haven. We will arrive on November 7th and check out the morning of November 9th. Four students will be assigned to each room. Students will be responsible for the cost of their meals.
Payment and Permission Slips
Please complete registration by September 13th. You will not be considered registered for the conference until your payment and permission slip are received.
We will need enough level two chaperones to transport the students to Winter Haven as well as back and forth between the hotel and conference center each day. Chaperones will also attend the conference each day to assist Mr. Brady. ** Note we have the chaperones that we need to stay overnight, we will likely need a few drivers to transport students there and back though.