We have different gifts, according to the grace given each of us. If your gift is preaching, then preach in accordance with your faith. Romans 12:6
We celebrate the many and varied gifts given by the Spirit of God. Those who preach do so out of their sense of calling by God, a calling which the Church confirms. The Regional Pulpit Supply List is a list of individuals responding to the call of supply preaching for Congregations needing a Minister on a limited basis to fill their pulpits.
It is understood that the individual filling the pulpit supply needs is authorized to preach, and if requested, to serve at the Communion Table.
Congregations and the Pulpit Supply Minister agree to the scope and limitation of this role. The Congregation will not expect, nor will the Minister assume, any other responsibilities (e.g., performing pastoral care for individuals or groups at any time or place; attending or leading meetings of any church group, task force, or committee; or any other duties normally expected of a settled Minister).
It is recommended that the Minister may provide pulpit supply to the same Congregation no more than two Sundays consecutively. However, the time limitation may be extended in consultation with the designated Regional Minister. If so, the duties remain confined to preaching and serving at the Communion Table.
The list of names and contact information comes from Ministers who have experienced a call to preach, have offered to provide pulpit supply, and understand the terms and conditions involved. These individuals must show proof of a thorough background check conducted by Oxford Document Management Company.
The process to follow for being added to the Mid-America Region’s approved Pulpit Supply Ministers List is as follows:
- Minister shall contact their designated Regional Minister to indicate their interest in pulpit supply.
- Minister must provide proof of a background check acceptable by the Region; or, must follow the Region’s process to obtain a background check through Oxford Document Mangement, Inc.
- Minister shall complete and submit the Regional Pulpit Supply List Application.
- If Minister does not have Standing with the Mid-America Region, they must meet with the designated Commissioned Ministery Team (CMT) or Regional Commission on the Order of Ministry (RCOM) for approval prior to being added to the Pulpit Supply List.
- Any questions or concerns shall be directed to the Ministry Associate in the CCMA Springfield Regional Office at (417) 865-0850 or sgf@ccmadisciples.org.
- The Region reserves the right to remove a Minister from the Pulpit Supply List at any time, if deemed necessary.
The Mid-America Region recommends a baseline honorarium of $175 per service, plus mileage round trip (at the current IRS rate). However, the Region recognizes that the amount of honorarium paid is ultimately a decision between the Congregation and the Minister providing supply preaching.