Investing in and using cryptocurrency is rapidly becoming commonplace. However, many holders of cryptocurrency ("crypto") are caught off guard to learn there are tax implications and IRS filing requirements for many transactions. Selling crypto, exchanging crypto, and paying for goods and services with crypto are subject to IRS tax and must be reported on a tax return.
Cryptocurrency is still in its infancy, which is a bit problematic when it comes to tax reporting. Unlike conventional securities where brokerages (Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Merrill Lynch, E-Trade, etc.) issue clients annual tax forms, many investors are surprised to discover that most cryptocurrency exchanges do NOT issue tax forms. Instead, they only provide raw reports that list transactional activity. If you have more than just a couple of trades, it can take you hours (even days) to try to track the original basis and manually create a substitute tax form. For this reason, we strongly advise all our clients to also sign up for a separate online cryptocurrency taxable gain & loss service provider. Many are free to sign up.
CoinTracker (not be be confused with Coinbase), CryptoTrader, TokenTax, etc. are examples of cryptocurrency taxable gain & loss service providers. There are many others. Most offer free accounts, and seamlessly sync to your exchange platform (Coinbase, for example) to automatically generate the Form Schedule D and Form 8949 tax statements that are required to prepare a tax return. Also, most crypto tax tracking services can perform a "lookback" of prior transactions, meaning you don't have to track down details for prior transactions from years ago. You simply grant the cryptocurrency taxable gain & loss service provider access to your currency exchange provider, and the wizard creates the substitute IRS tax forms. Some even have a link to send the reports to your tax preparer (that's us). For example, you can authorize CoinTracker to sync with your Coinbase account, and CoinTracker will create a fully prepared tax form for you in just minutes--just like the statements that your traditional brokerage provides you in January and February.
We strongly encourage you to sign up now for an account with a cryptocurrency taxable gain and loss service provider. Again, many are free to sign up so that you can get started.