I, {name}, am an independent, qualified personal trainer who will be training clients at Everest Gym located at Burkitts Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 1HB.
I accept full responsibility for the risks that my clients and I are taking by performing physical activity. I fully understand that Everest Gym and their staff members do not accept any liability, claims, demands, or actions from my clients or myself during a personal training session.
I acknowledge that I am solely responsible for ensuring that my clients are in good health and are medically cleared to participate in any exercise programs I design.
I further agree to indemnify and not hold Everest Gym and their respective directors, employees, and agents accountable for any and all claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses arising out of my use of the facilities for the purpose of personal training or out of any injuries, illnesses, or damages suffered by myself or my clients while on Everest Gym's premises.
I understand that Everest Gym requires proof of my personal training qualification and current public liability insurance. If this information is missing, out of date, or has not been received and checked by Everest Gym, then I will not use the facilities to train my own clients. Once my qualification and insurance has been approved by Everest Gym management, I will be able to use the gym to train their own clients.
I understand that it is my responsbility to ensure my clients and myself use the gym equipment and facilities safely and with proper form. I will not train any clients on pieces of gym equipment that I am not familiar with.
By signing this disclaimer, I acknowledge that I have read and understood its contents and agree to be bound by its terms.
Please click "Next" to confirm that you have read and understand the above statements.