The purpose of this form is to assist CWP Global in sourcing suppliers and vendors for it’s business in accordance with our policies.
If you are not Applying for a specific RFQ, You still can apply for an Expression of Interest, click HERE to go and switch to the Expression of interest form.
Please answer every question accurately. If the question does not apply to you, please write N/A (Not Applicable) and if you don’t know the answer, please write N/K (Not Known). CWP Global may ask for further supporting documents or clarifications.
This form does not constitute a commitment by CWP Global to any business partner or vendor. Information submitted is confidential. A supplier or vendor filling in this form has first been provided with a description and background to the Requirements and Programme. Any information contained within this document or which is provided during the course of this tender exercise is confidential. The confidential information shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent. The confidential information shall not be used for any purpose other than in connection with this tender exercise.