Please read the following and check the box below, signifying your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions. Your application cannot be submitted unless the terms and conditions are agreed to.
• All presenters who are members of the music education community and teach and/or reside in Georgia must be current GMEA/NAfME members at the time of application and at the time of the conference and will be required to register for the conference at their own expense. No honorarium or reimbursement of any conference-related expenses can be paid to GMEA members.
• Session applications will be considered through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in music education for all students.
• Any handouts and materials used in the presentation of this session will be the responsibility of the presenter.
• GMEA cannot accept responsibility for the safety of any items belonging to the presenter, including, but not limited to, musical instruments, recordings, computers, computer projectors, printed music or other printed materials.
• Presentations cannot be videotaped or recorded without the prior written consent of GMEA and the presenter.
• The selection or rejection of clinic sessions is at the sole discretion of GMEA and its officers and employees.
• Neither GMEA nor The Classic Center can accept shipments of session materials prior to the conference.
• Presenters wishing to use computer-generated presentations must provide their own laptop and any projector connections specific to their brand of computer. All files should be accessible without the Internet. The Classic Center offers free, limited internet access, however GMEA cannot guarantee that it will accommodate the requirements of your presentation.
• GMEA cannot supply any musical instruments or other items (other than pianos, music stands, and the audio/visual equipment specified in this application). It is anticipated that electronic keyboard pianos will be utilized in most session rooms that are not designated as performance spaces.If you have any questions, please email Alan Fowler.
• GMEA reserves the right to assign room space, date, and time to sessions accepted for presentation and the right to change these times and space assignments at their discretion up to thirty days prior to the first day of the conference.