Proposals for our national conference are accepted only during a specific time and the deadline is April 1, 2023 at midnight. Our upcoming 2023 dates will be October 19-21, 2023 and the event facility and conference center is located at The Forsyth Conference Center (just outside Atlanta, GA U.S.A.)
Please be aware, not everyone who submits an application will receive acceptance, nor is this a first-time, first served process. Additionally, Speaker/Applicant understands that this conference supports the operations of the industry trade publication CMT throughout the year to help support promotion, education, public relations and awareness of this space in healthcare. Applicant/Speaker understand that CMT does not provide an honorarium or reimburse speakers for any travel or other related or unrelated expenses. All Speakers understand that CMT's conference and educational environments and breakout and panel sessions are learning experiences first, and as such, limit non-commercial content, are sales-free zones. There is however an exhibitor floor with Sponsors. To learn more about sponosrships, click here.
We are constantly looking for unique content which our team, our readers, our attendees and industry organizers believe are relavent to Physicians in this space and inside their practice. We desire to find and present opportunities for our speakers to engage with Concierge Medicine Physicians and other private medicine stakeholders and individuals interested in learning more about what it is you have to present.
Please note, this is NOT a sales opportunity. This is an educational forum and must be treated as such. If you have a product or service to sell, please click here and complete our Sponsor Application. Please include a summary of your topic, including three bullet points that could potentially be used and edited for marketing purposes on our website(s) and in our conference brochures.
To Learn More, read testimonials and see photos visit:
Our format includes general sessions, breakout sessions by tracks, round tables, short, powerful 20-45 minute talks with Q&A. While we do understand that at times it may be necessary for a presenter to refer to his or her business by name, promotional efforts of any kind are considered a serious breach of the spirit of the conference. Speakers, presenters, and panelists have been asked to refrain from promoting themselves and their businesses during presentations.
CMF is affiliated with leading industry publications, Concierge Medicine Today, The FOR Doctors Forum, & CMTs DocPreneur Leadership Podcast.
- Submission of this Speaker Application acknowledges that "Submission" is not a guarantee of placement on the agenda or final/confirmed selection. It is an application which will be reviewed by our representatives and you will be notified by in writing (digital or physical letter) of your acceptance.
- By representing and affirming your legal right to submit content, you accept legal responsibility for the use of this presentation by us or by other visitors to the site.
- Please note that no speakers, presenters or panelists are paid to attend, including keynote speakers.
- CMT does not provide an honorarium or reimburse speakers for travel or expenses. You are responsible for your own travel arrangements and expenses. To see a list of hotels, directions, travel details, click here.
- If you are and/or plan or want to include a video in your presentation, it must be sumitted in advance to CMT's Editor and Approved Prior to acceptance ( Videos are discouraged in oral presentations due to time limits and out of respect to other speakers allowed time as well. If a video must be/is required within your allowed time slot, its timing (eg., "in minutes") MUST be and will be considered part of your time slot. Meaning, if you are allowed 30-minutes to speak, your video must be shown and your oral presentation completed prior to the 30-minutes allowed. No extra time will be given to show a video -- if videos are added at the last minute and not approved by CMT, this could result in your participation in the event being revoked.
- As an invited speaker, you are entitled to receive a complimentary Full Conferene registration to the meeting and pre-conference workshops. You Do NOT need to pre-register. If selected and granted permission, you will receive a name badge at Registration when you arrive at the conference facility.
- We greatly appreciate your commitment to participate in this program. Both you and the conference attendees will benefit greatly from the knowledge-sharing opportunities. It is fully expected that you will appear in-person at this event, as advertised in professional attire. If unforeseen emergencies force you to withdraw, it would be vastly appreciated for you to please assist in recruiting a replacement, preferably someone who could speak on your behalf at your exhibit booth area on the topics you’d like them to present during their exhibiting times in the sponsor area(s). If you anticipate difficulty, feel free to get in touch with us at CMT.
Our publication(s) address important issues and industry topics in the health, wellness, private medicine and precision medicine industries. Coveted event speakers spaces are often offered the opportunity to contribute the publication’s “DocPreneur Leadership Podcast” series reaching our nearly 800,000 visitors and nearly 2 million views at Concierge Medicine Today alone, since our inception in 2007.