Assessing the Radon Measurement Test
Exterior Review
Before 1990, asbestos was mainly used for insulating buildings and homes against cold weather, noise and fireproofing.
Review this document prior to answering questions on ASBESTOS:
WARNING: It is important to consider the possibility of asbestos containing material. Any area that you are unsure of or suspect may contain asbestos should be sampled and sent to a lab. Contact C-NRPP for information on labs to assist in this (
You can also review this information from Health Canada:
Interior review
WARNING: Disrupting asbestos containing materials is hazardous to your health. If you are unsure what materials could contain asbestos further investigation and research should be conducted.
Drawing of Blue Print of Building:
Based upon your visual inspection of the subject, draw a blue print of the construction details of the building including:
It may be useful to make note of the following information while onsite to remind you of material that will be required for the full installation of the Radon Mitigation System.
In order to satisfy the requirements of the C-NRPP Mitigation Course the system needs to be installed in accordance to National Standard of Canada: Radon Mitigation options for existing low-rise residential buildings: P29-149-012-2017-eng.pdf.
Health Canada's Reducing Radon Levels in Existing Homes: A Canadian Guide for Professional Contractors as well as the C-NRPP Mitigation Course material will provide you with additional guidance to help with understanding this process. Where the documents don’t agree, the CGSB National standard should be followed.
In preparation for installing the Radon Mitigation System and completing the requirements of the C-NRPP Mentorship Process you will need to complete the following steps:
C-NRPP has developed a Radon Mitigation System Installation Checklist to assist you in the process of the Radon Mitigation Installation. This is not meant to be complete guidance for installation, but rather a tool to use in conjunction with the proper guidance documents and training.