Mindful emotion coaching groups for parents, carers and adult caregivers
You can use this form to arrange to join a group of parents and carers and learn about raising emotionally intelligent children.
We run two levels of groups:
- school readiness groups facilitated by Liz Peacock or Kirsty Hughes are for those of you who are preparing for parenthood or have young children up to the age of about 6-8 years who want to understand what we mean by mindful emotion coaching and why it's such an important skill for parents and carers to know about. You might be a first time parent or you might want to learn more about how you can support your child develop their emotion intelligence so that they can settle into nursery, reception or secondary school more easily. To get the most out of the group you will need good internet access and somewhere private where you can talk without being overheard. Both Liz and Kirsty have trained as Mindful Emotion Coaches and also completed Tuning in to Kids facilitator training. The Tuning in to Kids programme consists of 6 sessions each 2 hours long. After each session you will have some home learning to complete. You will need to intend to join all the sessions and we will ask your permission to share your email address and/ or mobile phone number with others in your group so that you can connect with each other and we can all communicate easily. Once you have completed the sessions you will receive a coupon to access EHCAP's beginner e-learning platform for free. The cost is £120 per person for the package of 6 sessions and you can register by completing this online form.
- Tuning in to Teens groups facilitated by Dr Sarah Temple are for those of you who already have experience with emotion coaching and want to learn more or for those where one or more of the family is neurodivergent or where there are behavioural, emotional or mental health difficulties. The cost is £250 per person for six Tuning in to Teens group sessions. Contact Dr Sarah Temple for more information.
Another option is to train with us as a Mindful Emotion Coach - we now have quite a number of parents training alongside education, health and care professionals.
Other resources for you:
These resources are intended for use by extended families and networks of friends so please share!
Please complete this form to access group coaching.
The coaching is organised by EHCAP Ltd. EHCAP is a social enterprise founded and led by Dr Sarah Temple.