Use this form to register for classes only while you are presently or immediately following a meeting with your advisor.
To change previously registered courses, please use the Add/Drop form.
EXCEPTION: IEP students, including Exchange students taking IEP courses, use an IEP registration form for initial registration. Use the Add/Drop form to change your schedule after initial registration.
This form will be processed only after you have met with your advisor. You will receive an email once your registration is complete.
- If you are not sure how many units your funding will cover, consult with Financial Aid ( prior to finalizing your schedule.
- If registering for your final term of degree or certificate, submit a Graduation Petition when you register. Failure to do so may delay your graduation.
- You are responsible for all deadlines posted on the Academic Calendar. Late registration and late payment will result in late fees.
- The refund policy, including pro-rated refunds, is explained in the Academic Catalog.
- For Credit = Graded
- Audit = Student does no coursework and course does not apply to graduation; must be preapproved.
Use the Grade Change form to request optional P/NP grading. Advisor approval needed and is not applicable to all classes or programs.
- Fall/Spring Semesters: 5 pm, Friday of Week #2
- Summer Session I: 5 pm, Friday of week #1