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Welcome to the Registration Page for the Oregon 60-Hour Healthcare Interpreter Certificate Program!
The Culture Advantage Program is approved for healthcare interpreter training by the State of Oregon.
March 16, 2023
We are pleased to announce that Oregon Certified Interpreter's Network (OCIN), is providing a matching scholarship of $300.00 for students of the Culture Advantage Healthcare Interpreter Program who are eligible to register with Oregon Health Authority after graduation.
OHA Scholarship Application - Click Here
We want to thank OCIN for supporting the professional development of healthcare interpreters!
Apply soon! Scholarships are limited and you have to meet the eligibility requirements.
The Culture Advantage Program is a comprehensive, language-specific, medical-centric, online-based training 60-Hour certificate program to prepare students with the professional knowledge and skills to interpret in hospitals and medical centers, medical specialties, doctor's clinics, and community health.
In addition, this Program has also been approved by the State of Oregon for the following:
”The Oregon Judicial Department, Court Language Access Services, has pre-approved this training program for ten general and ten language specific credits. Interpreters will need to provide a certificate of completion to Court Language Access Services.”
The format for this training program is online (you may log in at any time), with requirements including participation in scheduled over-the-phone or online audio group coaching/practice sessions. The sessions are to improve and monitor student's performance, course progress, competency of learning objectives, and provide personalized feedback. Any student may sign up for Private Coaching (extra fee), if desired, to improve performance.
Graduation from the program is granted upon successful completion of the comprehensive final evaluation, which is a live, over-the-phone or online audio simulation of a healthcare interpreting encounter in both languages.
Please refer to our OHA Program Info Page 1: OHA Program Page 1 - Click Here for more details
The aforementioned link provides a program description and curriculum, which you are to review before you register.