Pay first semester in full by August 15th and receive a 3% discount if paying by cash, check or bank routing. This offer is not valid for second or third semesters.
Payment Plan Option:
Available to families that register before September 20th
With our new trimesters you will have the option each trimester to be in our payment plan.
The first trimester is 12 weeks long and payments are divided into 3 payments: September, October and November. *If you register by August 15th you will have the option to add a payment for August.
The second trimester is 10 weeks long and payments are divided into 3 payments: January, February and March. *If you would like an additional month to pay you can opt to start your payments in December.
The third trimester is 10 weeks long and payments are divided into 3 payments: April, May and June.
You may pay by cash, check, bank routing or by credit card through the online invoice.
Registrations after September 20th will only have the option of pay in full or two payments (October and November) for the first trimester.
Registrations after January 20th will only have the option of pay in full or two payments (February and March ) for the second trimester.
Registrations after April 20th will only have the option of pay in full or two payments (May and June) for the third trimester.
If you enroll in our Payment Plan Option you must sign an agreement and authorize a credit card for our file. If you are late in a payment your card will be charged. If you are late on two payments you will automatically be enrolled in our Automatic Debit Program.
Payment Plan Option with Automatic Debit: Same rules as the Payment Plan Option, however we do all the work for you! All extra fees will also be automatically charged on the due date. Just fill out an authorization form and we will charge your card monthly. Please note that a new form must be filled out every enrollment year.
There is a $20 returned check or declined payment fee and a $20 late fee for each payment that is not received by the 1st of the month. If your credit card is declined because expiration date or new card you will be charged a $20 fee.
Mail or drop off payment to arrive by the first of the month to:
FineLine Theatre Arts
77 Railroad Street
New Milford, CT 06776