2. I would like to fly in this contest but do not know the Class/Group I will fly in.
Answer: From the AMA Fixed Wing R/C Scale Competition Guide
12. RC Sport Scale Classes
RC Sport Scale events shall be divided into three classes requiring different competitive experience. They shall be referred to as Sportsman, Expert, and Designer classes.
All RC Scale Classes must comply with pertinent FAA and FCC rules & regulations, in addition to AMA rules. All contestants must be currrent (dates of contest) AMA (Academy Of Model Aeronautics) members. A contestant may only be listed once in a list of winners in each event class and may only receive one award in each event class.
A contestant may enter the Expert class at his own option, but once entered in this class he may not again compete in the Sportsman class. A contestant must enter the Expert class if he has accumulated 30 advancement points.
Advancement points are awarded as follows: Each contestant in any AMA Class A or higher rated Sport Scale or Designer Scale contest receives one (1) advancement point for each other contestant he places ahead of.
Event 520.
The intent of Pro-Am is to provide an RC scale event which is, and is to remain, simple in concept. There are two (2) divisions of RC Pro-Am.
Pro-Am Sportsman Division is for the novice contestant only. This is purely an ENTRY LEVEL division for RC scale competition.
Pro-Am Pro Division is open to any contestant with previous RC scale competition experience. There are two Divisions within Pro-Am Pro.
1. Pro-Am Pro Division 1: For aircraft where the prototype that’s been modeled has fixed gear, has no more than one mechanical option or was not designed specifically for racing. (Basically, fabric covered).
2. Pro-Am Pro Division 2: For aircraft where the prototype that’s been modeled has retracting landing gear, has more than one mechanical option or was designed specifically for racing. (Basically, metal skinned).
3. Eligibility:
The contest is open to modeler-built or factory-built RC scale models. There are no minimum size, weight, or power limits. Maximum weight and displacement limits are the same as for RC Sport scale, General. rule 4 (builder–flier) will not apply in this event.